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I think "break a leg" got a bit too serious...

- Song Mingi, conversation with Kim Hongjoong


Pain. That's all Mingi felt when he came to his senses. His muscles ached, his eyes refused to open, his mind slowly restarted its halted wires; his ears seemed to be the only part of his body fully functioning, for they picked up distant chatter coming from his left— more like the right side of wherever he was. Where was he, anyway?

As he opened his eyes, the brightness of the room attacked his vision. He squinted a couple of times, accustoming himself to the light while his eyes watered involuntarily, and a groan escaped his lips, getting used to moving his sore limbs that rested above an uncomfortable bed, which felt as if he hadn't moved them in years. Seriously, where was he? He saw nothing but white: white sheets, white bandages, white walls, white furniture, white Hongjoong—

"Hongjoong?" Mingi rasped, sitting up from the bed. "What are you doing here?"

The producer stilled, an action that alerted Mingi. Hongjoong did not move a muscle. He sat frozen on the couch, eyes stuck on Mingi, and stared, stared, and stared. Mingi squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze, but he stopped when the first change of expression stormed Hongjoong's features. The shocked look transformed into a disbelieved cry, and before Mingi could process it, tears fell from Hongjoong's eyes, and the producer did nothing to erase their trace.

What the fuck happened? Why doesn't he remember? No matter how hard he tried, his brain shunned his efforts.

"Mingi..." Hongjoong choked, regarding Mingi with so much care, that it made Mingi question what the heck happened for his hyung to be so emotional, for him out of all people. He understood Seonghwa, but him?

"That's me?" Mingi replied, perplexed.

In a flash, Hongjoong rose from his seat and rushed to Mingi's side, crushing the living daylights out of the rapper. His embrace tightened each time a tiny sob escaped the producer's lips, and his hands clutched Mingi's robe so firmly, Mingi doubted he'd be able to move an inch. He would've complained about his hyung's rare display of affection, but since it happened once every blue moon, he let it slide, instead drowning in it. Mingi forgot the last time Hongjoong acted like this. And if he remembered correctly, the last time ranged between the post of his debut music video and his debut stage.

After releasing Mingi from his death grip —and after a whole lot of consoling from the rapper— Hongjoong took a few more minutes to calm down, stubbornly wiping the occasional tears that fell. His gaze remained soft, however, as he held Mingi by the shoulders and scanned his body from head to toe.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling? Does it hurt? Do I need to call a doctor? Are you hungry? Wait, that's a dumb question. Of course you're hungry," Hongjoong ranted, arms moving to reach the button next to Mingi's bed to call for a nurse.

Mingi stopped him, chuckling at his hyung's worry. "I'm fine. Why are you so worked up?"

Hongjoong's reaction made the rapper think his question over. Mingi was certain he asked why he was worried, not if Seonghwa had cheated on him. Did he say something wrong? At this rate, a fly may enter Hongjoong's mouth and become a new —but disgusting— source of nutrition. Jaw-dropped, eyes wide, scoffing; something was definitely up.

"Out of all things, that's what you're asking?" Hongjoong asked, tone laced with disbelief. "You're in a hospital, Min."

Oh. That makes sense. The whiteness of the room lost its weirdness at Hongjoong's statement. He identified the distant chatter's origin to be the television, which was playing a boring T.V. show that failed to capture the rapper's attention, and after attempting to change positions, a pulling feeling held him back. He traced the cable to where it begins, noticing it's attached to some packets full of whatever hospitals put there, and when he followed it, he saw the cable went under his skin—

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