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I worry about things,
All the things,

I worry about you,
I worry about me,
I worry about us,

I worry about future,
I worry that if it's set in stone,
That it can't be changed,

I worry about messing up,
Being good one moment,
Then suddenly arguing the next,

I worry about things I can't change,
The things happening in all the 51 states,
The border crisis and BLM,

I worry about people I don't even know,
Are they okay?,
Will they be alright?,
Are they going to make it through the night?

I worry about my friends,
Especially about their mental states,
Are they feeling fine?
Or are they not okay?

I worry about to many things,
It overloads my brain,
But I won't stop worrying,
Otherwise I'll change the whole game.

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