Chapter 1

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”Where are you going?” Anne said cooly from the living room couch without breaking her gaze from the tv screen.

Harry, who had walked quietly down the stairs towards the entrance door froze midstep. How did she do that?! Harry turned towards his mother who now looked at him with raised eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

“umm, Louis' house, to finish up a school project..and I was wondering, if I could sleep over?” Harry mumbled and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. He knew she wouldn't fall for it, she never did. But on the other hand she usually agreed to let him go anyway.

“Fine..but just ask next time Harry. And since you're staying all night I expect an A on that project” Her expression had softened cause even though she was 100% there wouldn't be any studying tonight Harry always got an A, he was a smart kid.

“You know I will mum” He smiled and headed out.

Harry threw his jacket and bag of his shoulder and stepped out into the darkening, slightly chilly autumn afternoon. He walked for about 20 minutes right across the village of Holmes Chapel, his home. After passing the bakery where he used to work, the supermarket and a few streets of houses before finally reaching the little wealthier part of the village. He walked up the street and passed the familiar expensive houses and before he knew it he where standing outside Louis' house.

Louis and Harry went way back, to elementary school to be precise. Harry hadn't really had any friends as far as he could remember. He mostly kept to himself after his parents got divorced, and kids around him thought he was weird. Louis had seen him alone on the swings one day and offered him an apple when they were 11 years old...and well, that's kind of how it started.

Harry walked up to Louis' door and rang the bell and only seconds later the door was being opened and Harry was being dragged in by Louis. The house was kind of quiet though, too quiet.

“Isn't your family home?” Harry wondered and turned to Louis.

Louis shook his head “Naah, the girls have a few days off school due to reconstruction and they went to granpa's house, they'll be back on Wednesday though.” He smirked and went upstairs to his room. “Oh and Zayn is coming to pick us up in 20 minutes, so we have some time to kill!”

Zayn...Harry had never liked Zayn. He had kind of a bad reputation around town and if Harry's mum knew they hung out together he'd be so dead. However, Harry wasn't a total angel himself. He had done things he wasn't proud off, but he had never gotten caught, thank god. He only did them to be accepted by Zayn though, he only did it cause he knew Louis thought the world of Zayn and Harry needed Louis as his friend.

“Oh...I though it would only be the two of us hanging out” Harry mumbled as they entered Louis' room.

“Yeah I know I said that this morning, but then Zayn texted and said he'd got us in to this cool club in the city..I just couldn't refuse” Louis shrugged and smiled while fishing up his phone and started texting someone.

“of coarse...can't let the Queen down..” Harry muttered to himself but faked glee “Wow, that's awesome!”


Harry groaned loudly as the light found his closed eyelids. He rolled over, away from the window and picked himself up from the..floor?. Why was he on the floor. His thoughts where interrupted by a light dunking in his head, ugh hangover. It wasn't so bad, he's had worse..but still, ughh. He stood up from the floor and scanned the room, he recognised the flat as Zayn's, and speaking of the devil, literally, Zayn came out from his kitchen and eyed him.

“You better wake up Louis and get ready, we're already late for school” He said as if it was nothing and walked to the bathroom. Harry looked at the clock as calm as he could, “9:35” it read. He refused his eyes to grow wider, he refused to act stressed even though he had a panic attack right now. He went to wake up Louis who was laying in a weird position on the couch. 15 minutes later they arrived to school in Zayn's car. Harry didn't know if Zayn should even be driving, but at least they got there in one piece.

Louis and Zayn walked off to their football practice while Harry went to his english class. As he walked in the class went silent, or well Jessica who were reading out loud were the one becoming silent.

“Mr. Styles, care to explain why you're late?” Mrs. Henderson asked and sighed, this wasn't exactly the first time she asked, trust me.

“Oh you know the usual, finding homes to homeless animals” he answered back in an angelic voice, earning some giggles from a few in the class. Mrs. Henderson wasn't amused though, you could wonder if she was Queen Victoria in a past life.

“take a seat, mr. Styles!” She said strictly and Harry went to his seat. And he would sit down if it wasn't for the fact that it was occupied. He cleared his throat.

“you're in my seat”, he said and nodded for the blonde stranger to move, must be new. Who else would dare anyway? The Blonde boy looked up at him with his blue eyes and nodded a little before moving on to the empty seat beside Harry's.

Harry didn't really pay attention in class. He'd have a test on whatever they were talking about in a few weeks, blah blah, he'd be fine. After the bell rung he got out quickly and went to Louis' locker, where he was standing, with Zayn. Harry threw his bag into Louis' locker as usual and joined them in their conversation.

“hey what's up?” He greeted and they nodded at him.

“Just wondering what hot girl in school you haven't shagged yet” Louis giggled and threw an arm around Harry's shoulders.

Harry gave them a look and responded “oh please, I'm on my 3rd re-run” He smirked causing Zayn and Louis to laugh.

“Well well lover-boy ever tried a boy?” Zayn sniggered.

“Well Zayn...I'm flattered, but I'm not Gay..” Harry smirked deeper and Zayn smiled, shaking his head.

“I didn't mean me! But you never know til you try”

“I could probably get any guy I wanted..but sorry, not interested” Harry rolled his eyes.

“Well ok mister 'I can get anyone I want' I bet you to get a guy into bed within 2 months. Not going all the way ofc, just make him believe it...and film it, we'll need proof.” Zayn looked at him daring.

Harry looked hesitant, but he couldn't act weak in front of Zayn.


Zayn scanned the hallway full of people.

“how about blondie over there?” He said and pointed to a boy.

The new kid...Harry nodded a little.

“How much?”

“500 £..”


So close and still so far (Narry AU fic)Where stories live. Discover now