Chapter 2

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"Dad. Just give me one more chance,"

I told Twilight, Sam, and Manny I'd show them how I made the machine but when we got here, my dad was waiting for me, and he was in the way of the entrance to my lab.

"We both know this was an accident," he told me, I groaned, "I know but--" I tried telling him but he cut me off, "Cheeseburgers from the sky, that's not natural," Dad told me.

"But my invention could save the whole town. You will be so proud of me, Dad. Plus," I started saying but I looked back at Twilight, Sam, and Manny, before leaning near my dad, "There are girls here," I whispered to him.

He grunts before sighing, "Can you look me in the eye and tell me you've got this under control, and it's not gonna end up in a disaster?" he asked me, "Yes," I told him avoiding his face.

I avoided his face while squeaking but I finally looked him right in the eyes, "I've got this under control, and it's not gonna end in disaster," I said really fast before looking away while exhaling, I cleared my throat.

"All right," he finally says, I looked up at him with a smile, "Thanks, Dad," I told him, he then started to walk away, "Oh, sure," he muttered.

I looked around and saw Sam, Twilight, and Manny sitting down to my right a few feet away, "Okay. So Sam, Twi," I started saying but I saw Twilight flinch and saw fear in her eyes but they faded after a few seconds, I shook it off though, they looked over at me.

"This is where the magic happens," I said opening the entrance to my lab, the three of them shared looks, my eyes went wide in realization, oh I so worded that wrong.



We then rode our way up to the lab, which was really uncomfortable because we were all squashed together, I was fine with Manny being in there because he stated during the car ride across the ocean, he wasn't interested in girls, but Flint, on the other hand, I've only known him for about an hour.

Flint opened the door to his lab, which was really a curtain, and a robotic voice came on, 'Welcome, Flint,' it said, I looked around the lab in awe, it's so amazing.

Sam and I walked down some steps as Flint waited for our reaction, "Wow," I muttered impressed, Sam, on the other hand, didn't have the same idea.

"You seriously spend a lot of time alone," Sam said while looking around and Steve landed on my head, I pet him on his head, "Soft," he said before he jumped away, "What?" Flint asked in shock at Sam's question before chuckling nervously.

Flint then guided us to a moving picture of the machine, "So here's how it works. Water goes in the top, and food comes out the bottom," Flint explained to us while pointing to the top and bottom, "So when you shot it into the stratosphere, you figured it would induce a molecular phase change from the cumulonimbus layer?" I guessed my science self coming out again.

"That's actually a really smart observation?" Flint said suspiciously while leaning closer to me, I stepped back a few steps while I came back to my normal self, "I mean..." I laughed shyly/nervously, "The clouds probably have water in them, which, uh, I guess that's why you shot it up there in the first place," I guessed, and it was Flint's turn to step back a few steps.

"Right, right. That's why I-I did that. On-- on purpose," Flint stuttered, "Right. Yeah," I mumbled, "Right," Flint said, "Of course," I mumbled again, we both chuckled nervously before backing away, Flint motioned us to follow him, and Sam was really curious about what just happened.

Cloudy With The Chance Of Meatballs {Flint x OC}Where stories live. Discover now