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"Good morning sweetie. Is Mei coming soon?" My mom said to me in Korean while heating up a slice of left over pizza.

"Yeah. She should be here any minute. Did Dad go to work?" As soon ad I said that I heard loud footsteps behind me. Before I could turn around I was enveloped in arms that could only be my dad's.

"Trying to get me to go to work quickly are you?" my dad said with a loud voice. God why is he always so energetic in the morning.

"No I was just wondering since I haven't seen you in what has felt forever." I said as I gave him a big hug. He hugged me back tightly as my mom came over to give him a kiss.

"I know I haven't been around much lately but you understand right?" He asked sincerely.

"Of course. Your work piles up very quickly. I'm not mad Dad it's just I haven't seen you you know." He walked past me and sat down to eat the breakfast my mom made for him since I was gonna go have breakfast with Mei.

"And guess what?" He said taking a huge bite.

"What? Something happen?"

"My boss is allowing me to start working from home, as long as I come into the office for the important meetings and stuff." I smiled widely and my mom was giggling.

"WHAT!? AND YOU KNEW!?" I yelled looking at my mom.

"Of course I knew! He made me promise not to tell you until today." I can't believe what I was hearing. My dad who's probably the best and most hard working person I've ever known, who I don't get to see too often even before we moved, is now working from home. YES.

"Uncle, did you tell her yet?" I heard a voice whisper near me as my dad held a thumbs up. I turned to the voice and saw Mei.

"Does everyone know except me!?" I looked between my family members.

"Well of course. We all know you're a daddy's girl so it was the perfect opportunity to surprise you." Mei shrugged as if it was nothing. I exhaled sharply and walked past Mei.

"Whatever. C'mon let's go. I'm hungry and I wanna see the city."


Mei and I were driving around the city for pretty much the whole day. We left at around 9 AM and it was currently around 6 PM. The food has been great and the shops have been even better. Mei decided to take it upon herself to pretty much spoil me today so everything was on her.

If only I had that kind of money.

Anyway, we were currently driving to one of Mei's favorite restaurant which is more like a cafe.

"Lane I swear to god you'll love the food here." Mei has said for about the 13th time today.

"You know, by how much you're telling me how good the food is, this shit better be good as fuck or else I'll slap the shit out of you as many times as you said it's good." I said shaking my head.

"I promise you'll like it."


"Hello, welcome in. How many se- Oh hey Mei. I see you've brought a friend." The front waitress said.

"Yep. This is my cousin Lane and I've been showing her around the city. She recently moved here so I thought I'd take her here." Mei said. I take a look around the cafe and it was very homey and cozy. It gives off a very welcoming feel and it makes you feel all warm inside you know. The place was small but not too small.

"Well, glad you thought of us. Now," the waitress grabbed two menus and smiled at us. "Follow me and I'll take you to your seats." She briskly walked off and we followed suit. She led us to a table that was just one of those table for two tables that was near the window in the back of the seating area. "Here you girls are. Your waitress will be here shortly." She said as we took our seats. She placed down our menus on the table and walked away with a smile.

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