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"So did you text her?" Cory asked as she came up to me at my locker. I immediately panic as Tenna is literally at her locker right now and is in earshot.

"Quiet Cory she can hear us!" I whisper yell at her while taking a glance at Tenna. Seems like she didn't hear. Thank god.

"Well sorry at least I didn't say her name." She whisper yelled as well. Just then, I heard a voice behind me.

"Who's name?" Tenna said, startling me and Cory. We yelped and turned to face Tenna. I didn't notice a second ago but now that she's closer, I noticed that she has her hair down. I can hear a faint squeal of cuteness overload in the inside of the my head. I guess I must have been staring as I felt a bony red head's elbow jab into my side.

"Uh n-no one! We didn't say any name!" I coughed out while Cory snorted. Tenna gave us a confused yet disgusted look as she walked away.

"Alright I guess. I'll see you around Lane." We watched her walk away and I couldn't help but stare.

"Huh? What about me!? I'm practically your best friend and always around you!"

"Guess you're not as cool." I shrugged and patted her back. "I'll see you at lunch Cory." She pouted but nodded and we went to our separate classes.


It is currently my third class of the day, and it's Art.

"So class, you may have heard by now but I am assigning a project that involves the two class periods that I actually teach. You will choose a person from the other class period as your partner and you both will be doing a presentation on each other. Things like..." Blah blah blah. I zoned out.

At the end of her instructions, our teacher passed around a list of the students that she teaches. When it reached me I took a look and noticed a name that I wasn't expecting.

Tenna Rose Bailey.

Hehe what a pretty middle name.

I put my name down next to hers to signify that I chose her as my partner. I pass it on and I hear a couple of murmurs coming from the people next to me but I dismiss it as I didn't really care.

I pulled out my phone and stared at the draft that I had for texting Tenna. I smirk after a couple seconds and change her contact name to Rose🌹.

"Hey sorry if I'm bothering you but I just wanted you to know that I chose you for the project for Art. This is Lane btw." I closed my phone but not even a second after putting it down I got a text back.

"Oh. Cool I guess. How'd you get my number tho?"

"Funny story actually. Mei gave it to me yesterday after I asked." I bit my lip slightly. Hopefully she won't find it weird.

"Ah I see." She sent, but it was followed by another text. "Wait you asked for it and you only decided to text me now?"

"Uhhhh yeah?? I mean I didn't really wanna make you uncomfortable or disturb you in any way so...I just didn't text you?"

"Uh huh. And what made you think that I would be uncomfortable with you texting me?"

"Idk really. It's kinda hard to tell whether or not you like me if i'm honest."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm not uncomfortable with you texting me, and I don't entirely dislike you..."

"Miss Ahn. Phone away please." The teacher. I sighed quietly and out my phone away and went back to doing nothing until the bell rang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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