First Day

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Madison pov

"LUCASSSS, BRING YOUR ASS!" He always do this since he knows that I hate being late. I would drive myself to school but my car is in the shop. "I'm trying to look good for my last first day in high school." said Lucas. "Look good my ass, come on" I said. Luc has been rubbing in the fact that he's a senior while I'm a junior. He also keeps rubbing in the fact that he has more D1 offers than me. (he plays football too)

10 minutes later

We finally made it to school. "Took you long enough" said Elena. She's my friend and also my teammate. She is popular like Trevor. "Luc was taking forever to get ready" I sighed. Elena started telling me about her summer which was basically about her trip to Bora Bora and seeing a bunch of hot guys. She wanted me to go but I had practices and camps that were way more important than her so called eye candy. I look around for Trevor and found him. "I got to go" I tell Elena before walking away. I walk up to Trevor and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Mads! How are you?" asked Trevor as he gave me a hug. "I'm good and you?" I asked. "Could be better." answered Trevor. We talked for about 10 minutes before the bell rang for my first class which is English. Trevor and I actually share this class. The class is so boring. Our teacher only cares about Shakespeare and some other poet. After that, I have graphic design, calculus and biology. Then, it's lunch which I am dreading. I mean the school has good lunch but I have to see Trey.

Backstory on Trey

He wanted to date Madison but she denied him. She lied and said that Trevor was her boyfriend. After that, he was bullied by a lot of students since he decided to do it in front of the whole school. He now bullies Madison so he can release his pain and anger.


Still Madison's pov

We are having chicken alfredo for lunch which is pretty good. Elena is sitting by her friend Teala and I'm sitting by Trevor and his friends Messiah and Carlos. Trey walks up to our table. "You fucking failed abortion, you're the reason why your mother got raped by 4 guys in a van." he said to me. "You better watch your mouth." Trevor said. Trey's insults affect me a lot but I try to keep a straight face when he's around. I know he just wants a reaction but Trevor apparently doesn't think so. "Trevor, mate, you are nothing but a small useless, helpless, whiny, bitch. I know that's why your dad left when you were 8 so maybe you should do the whole world a favor and just end your life. You contribute nothing to us, so your death will take nothing from us." said Trey.

Trevor's pov

That was the finally straw. As I was about to punch him, Carlos pulled me back. "Trev, you really going to put your football career at risk for a dumbass like him?" he asked. Carlos is right. My dad actually left when I was 8 years old. He was saying that he didn't love us and some other bullshit. "Madison, you know you are one ugly bitch, maybe that's why they raped your mom instead of you. So to atone for not being raped with her, how about you go commit suicide. And don't be worried about anyone missing you, cause I know they'll move on with life like nothing ever happened." Trey laughed as he walked away. I know I had to hold back especially if I still want to play football and Madison hates when I get mad. When I look at her, I notice that she looks upset. "Are you ok?" I asked Madison. "He said some mean things, Trev" she said sadly. "I know, but I will protect you no matter what." I said. "Bro, we got practice today and I know Coach is hungry for a ring." said Messiah. We came close to winning the state championship but we fell short. It was my first year as a starting quarterback and Messiah's first year as a starting wide receiver. I am officially not looking forward to practice.

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