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Madison pov

I decided to stay home from school today. My period cramps are killing me. If I feel better later, I might try to come to volleyball practice. We haven't lost a game this season which is good. The football team only lost one game which was to the number 5 ranked team in the nation. At least they didn't lose to an ass team. I fell asleep and woke up to someone knocking on the door. I walk downstairs and open it to see Trevor. It looked like he was worried.

"Why you didn't tell me you wasn't coming to school today? I was starting to get worried because you wasn't answer your phone." Trevor says as he walks in. He really did look like he was panicking.

"Sorry, Trev. My cramps were killing me. I fell asleep and didn't hear the phone." I tell him. I wonder why he was so worried. Did he think I was kidnapped or something?

"I bought food." He says. T got food from IHOP. The food was so delicious. After we finished, we watched some TV. I looked at the time every now and then because I knew he wasn't paying attention.

"Don't you have to be back at school in like 15 minutes?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I don't really want to go back..." he trails off. Trevor looks at my lips and back to my eyes. Does he want to kiss me?

"I know, but you have to do I can get my work." I say laughing.

"You can always get it from the teachers or Elena, silly." He says laughing. He looks at my lips again.

"Yeah, you right. Now, you have to go so you are not late." I say. He looks at the time.

"I'm about to actually leave this time." He says as he walks to the door. I walk to the door too.

"You going to come back after practice?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says as he looks at my lips again. Trevor definitely wants to kiss me.

"Ok. Have fun!" I say.

"See you later, Mads." He says as he does the unexpected. He pulls me into a hug and kisses me on the forehead. I blush. He smiles and walks to his car. I walk into the house and try to catch my breath. Am. I. Dreaming!!!!!!! Trevor deadass just kissed me on the forehead.

Trevor pov

I kept looking at her lips because I wanted to kiss her so bad. When I gave Madison a kiss on the forehead, I wasn't thinking. I thought that she would be mad at me for sure. When I looked at her, I saw that she was blushing like crazy. It made me happy on the inside. When I got back to school, I had to tell Messiah and Carlos.

"Yo, Carlos. Messiah. I have to tell y'all something." I say.

"Well damn, where have you been?" Carlos say.

"I'll tell you in a minute but listen to me real quick. I went to Madison's house and got her some food. I stayed there for a while before I actually left. When I was saying bye, I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. I thought I had messed up. When I saw that she was blushing, I knew that I did something right. I was smiling like an idiot on my way here." I tell them.

"Yoooo, that's cool! I know you was happy about that!" Messiah says.

"Yeah, I was not gonna lie." I say.

"I can tell by how you are blushing, Trev." Carlos say as we walk into the classroom.

"Well, Mr. Trevor. Who has you smiling like that?" My teacher, Mr. Smith asks. Carlos and Messiah start laughing.

"Ummmm.....Madison" I say nervously.

"You like her or something?" Mr. Smith asks.

"Yes, sir. I really do." I say.

"Why won't you ask her out?" He asks.

"I will at homecoming." I tell him.

"Ok. Don't let me down because I think that you and Madison could be a good couple." He says. I smile at him and walk to my desk.

After practice

I'm tired as hell from practice. Coach worked us today. Now, I'm going to Mads' house. I went to the store and got her favorite candies. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I hope that she doesn't mention the kiss earlier. I knock on the door and Lucas answer. He must have had a bad day or something because he just said hey and walked off. I walk in Madison's room and she has a heating pad on her stomach.

"You actually came!" She says smiling. Her smile is so pretty.

"Ye-yeah, I did. I bought you some candy." I say as I hand her the candy.

"Thanks, T. Like really." She says as she shifts in the bed.

"Are you ok?" I ask. It looks like she is uncomfortable.

"Yeah. It's just that my cramps are not allowing me to get comfy." She says.

"Do you need a massage or something like that?" I ask. That usually helped my mom.

"Yeah, sure." She says. I sit behind her and start massaging her.

Madison pov

When Trev started massaging me, it felt sooo good. I can tell that he has done it before. I moaned in pleasure.

"I must be doing a good job." He says laughing. I nod my head yes. Ever since he kissed my forehead, I haven't been able to get it off my mind.

"We have to talk, Trev." I say. He stops massaging and faces me.

"What's up?" He says.

"About earlier. When you kissed me on the forehead." I say. Trevor lets out a shaky breath.

"Look, Mads. I'm sorry about th-" He says. I cut him off.

"No, Trevor. You don't have to apologize. I liked it." I tell him smiling.

"Wait, actually?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say smiling. He blushes and pulls me into a hug.

"Now are you ready to eat some candy?" T asks.

"Hell yeah." I say.

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