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Madison pov

Trev and I decided to eat inside of Chick-fil-a instead of waiting in the long ass line. I order a 12 count chicken nuggets and Dr. Pepper. I didn't get the meal because I don't like the fries. Trevor ordered a 12 count chicken nuggets meal with a sweet tea. We sit down at a booth and talk as we wait on our food.

"So, how was practice?" I ask Trevor.

"It was good. We got out of practice early since your game was tonight. He didn't work us as hard as I thought he would." he says.

"Do you know who you are going to ask to homecoming yet?" I ask. Trevor and I have never been to homecoming together. During our freshman year, we went with a group of friends. During sophomore year, he went with his ex-girlfriend and I went with my ex-boyfriend.

"I have someone in mind, but I want it to be a surprise to everyone." he says. I hope that he is talking about me.

"Well, do you know how you going to ask this person?" I ask.

"I have an idea in mind, but I also want that to be a surprise." he says laughing. I just want him to tell me. Homecoming is in 3 weeks!

"Seriously, Trevor." I say rolling my eyes. Then, our food arrives at the table. It smells so good.

"Do you know what color you plan on wearing for homecoming?" Trevor asks. I wore white freshman year and purple sophomore year.

"I was thinking navy blue, but I'm not sure yet." I say.

"Any color will look nice on you." Trevor says. I blush for like the 5th time tonight. Does Trevor even know what he is doing to me right now? After we finish eating our food, we go back to the car. I look at the bracelet on Trevor's wrist.

"Did you get a new bracelet?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah, I did. This company on Instagram wanted me to sponsor their bracelets, so I did." he answers. Trevor has a big following on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. I have a decent following since I have been on his social media a couple of times.

"That's nice. The bracelet is cute." I tell him. I notice that the bracelet is light purple, which is my favorite color. I wonder why he decided to wear the light purple one.

"I have 4 colors: blue, red, black and light purple which is the one I am wearing now. They had other colors, but they didn't catch my eye." he says. When Trevor pulls out of the parking lot, I scroll through Instagram. I look at the comments on my latest post which was me in my volleyball uniform. At my school, they take pictures of us before games and send it to us. I decided to post my favorite one on my Instagram. Most of the comments were positive ones. I saw one mean comment saying that I was ugly. It didn't affect me like that because I know that other people get way worse comments. I like and respond to some comments.

"Bro, what the fuck?!!?!?!?!" Trevor yells. I jump and look up. A car had cut Trevor off.

"Sorry for yelling, Mads. It's just that people drive crazy on the road. It's like you have to look 24/7." he says.

"It's fine, Trev. I understand." I say.

Trevor pov

We get to Madison's house 5 minutes later. I decide that I will stay at her house until Lucas comes back. She is working on this essay that she has due at the end of the week. The class that she is writing an essay is a class that I took last year. I am answering some questions on my story when I see Madison crying and pulling her hair. I immediately put my phone down.

"Mads, what's wrong?" I ask as I grab her wrists.

"I can't do this essay. It's so confusing. I am so stupid." she cries. I hate when Madison talks about herself.

"You are not stupid. You are one of the smartest people that I know." I reassure her. She is still crying.

"Can you please let go of your hair, Madison?" I ask. She releases her hair and I pull her into my lap. Mads wrapped her legs and arms around me.

"You need to take a break. You deserve it." I whisper to her.

"I can't take a break. My essay is due on Friday. I wanted to get it done early." She says. Madison always likes having her work done early. It's kinda attractive.

"It's only 8:15. If you want to work on it later, you can. If you need help, I can help you. You need to take a break right now. I don't want you to burn out." I tell her. She shifts in my lap so she can see the TV. I care about Madison a lot and she deserves the world. She hasn't had the best luck with relationships.

"Ummm,Trevor?" Mads ask.

"Yes?" I say. She turns around so she can face me. I don't know if she is trying to turn me on or not. If she is, it is definitely working.

"Can I wear your hoodie?" she says giggling.

"Of course." I tell her as I pull it off and put it on her. My hoodie looks way better on her. Lucas comes back about 30 minutes later and I drive home. I let Mads keep my hoodie. When I get home, I walk into my room and lay down on my bed.

"Hey, sweetheart. How was the game?" my mom asks.

"It was good. Madison won the game for the team." I tell her.

"That's nice. I am definitely going to watch it later on YouTube." she says as she walks out of my room. Our schools records our games for each sport and posts them on YouTube. I stay awake for a while before I take my medicine and go to sleep.

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