Making it Public

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Trevor pov

Madison told me that she wanted to make our relationship public. I know that I have been wanting this for a while, but I'm not sure if she is ready yet.

"Are you sure, baby?" I ask her.

"Yeah." she says smiling. I grab my phone and she grab hers. We pick out the pictures we want to post on our Instagrams.

"You can pick what pictures we post." I tell her. Mads point to the picture we took with the buildings in the background. I was lifting her and she wrapped her legs around her waist kissing me. It was definitely my favorite picture. I agree and we posted the picture at the same time.

"I'm nervous, babe." Mads says.

"It will be fine. I won't let anything happen. I promise." I say before I peck her lips. I love kissing Madison. Her lips are so soft. Our phones start to blow up. Notification after notification. I pick it up and see that people are commenting congratulations, happy for y'all, etc. Mads looks u

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Just look, please." she says giving me her phone. I unlock it and scroll through the comments. All of them were nice until I get to Trey. He threatened to hurt me and my girl. He said that I just want her for her body and that she wants popularity. I guess Mads feel me stiffen a little.

"Did you see it?" she asks while playing with my hoodie strings. It must have made her feel bad because she wasn't looking at me.

"You know that he just trying to get in your head." I tell her as I tilt her chin up. She looks back down.

"I know, but it still hurts though." she says. I can tell that Trey's comments got to Mads.

"Princess, you know how strong my feelings are for you. I want to give you the world. It breaks my heart to know that you are feeling like this." I tell her. She looks up at me.

"Really?" she asks smiling.

"Yes." I say. She wraps her arms around my neck. I pull her into my lap. I love her. I want to tell her so bad, but I'm scared. Ever since Dad left, it's been hard to even tell Mom and Quan that I love them. I'm going to tell her soon though.

Madison pov

Trevor's hugs are the best. They make me feel safe. After I get off his lap, I look at my phone and saw that Elena texted me.

Elena: Girl, Why you didn't tell me????????? u better call me when you leave

I know that Elena is talking about my relationship with Trevor. She will want all the tea and I mean all of it! I was so deep in my own thoughts that I didn't know that Trevor wasn't beside me. I see the bathroom light on, so he's probably in there. I think I love Trevor. My feelings are so strong. I never liked a guy this much. Trevor walks out of the bathroom.

"I just you zoned out before I was in the bathroom because you wasn't answering me." he says laughing a little. He stayed a little bit longer before he left. I decide to call Elena because I know that she can't wait right now.

"Why you didn't tell me about you and Trevor?" she asks getting to the chase.

"We didn't want anyone to know about it." I tell her.

"Well how long were y'all hiding it?" she asks.

"I think about 2 or three weeks. Maybe longer than that." I tell her.

"How I didn't notice!!!!!!" she says. We laugh and talk about how the relationship is going. When I get off the phone with her, I start to draw. I want to surprise Trev with a drawing of him. I know that he has been wanting one for a while.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asks.

"Drawing." I tell him.

"So your boyfriend left?" he says. I giggle.

"You love him, don't you?" he asks.

"Yeah, I think so. I never felt so strong for a guy before." I tell him. Lucas nods his head and sits beside me on the bed.

"Are you drawing him?" he asks. I close the book quickly.

"Stop looking at my personal stuff." I tell him. He just laughs.


I'm at the football game with Elena. Our school is doing pretty good right now. They are winning 24-0. If they win this game, they clinch the playoffs. We are playing our first playoff game tomorrow. I'm so excited. Trevor and Lucas were always talking about how they really want to win the championship next year. During a timeout, Trev sees me and waves. Messiah waves to Elena. Trevor has been playing his best football tonight. Lucas has been doing good too. So has Messiah, Carlos, and Daequan. After the game (which our team won), Trev runs toward me.

"Don't hug me. You are sweaty." I say. He laughs.

"I won't. I swear." he says. Damn, he's fine.

"You played good." I tell him.

"Thanks." he says as he runs back to the locker room. I wait for him to come out. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Trey.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Why are you with Trevor?" He asks. That's a dumbass question.

"Because I like him in that way. That's a stupid ass question." I tell him. Trey pushes me off the bench I was sitting on.

"What the hell?!?!??!?!????" I yell.

"I know you are lying to me, you worthless piece of shit. Now, tell me the truth!" He yells.

"I am telling the truth." I say angrily as I got up from off the ground. Trey grabs me and I scream while trying to push him.

"Babe, are you okay? I heard some screa-" I hear Trevor say.

"Get your dirty ass hands off my girl!" He says as he pushes Trey off of me. Trev started swinging at him.

"Baby, stop." I say as I attempt to pull him off. Trevor is way bigger and heavier than me so it was to no avail. Eventually he finally stopped after I yelled at him for the past 10 minutes.

At Madison's house

"I'm sorry for beating up Trey like that." Trevor says.

"It's ok. He deserved it." I said laughing. Trevor sighs and lays down next to me.

"I just saw how he was treating you and I just got really mad." He says.

"It's ok, baby. I understand." I tell him before I kiss his forehead. Trevor looks into my eyes and zones out. It looks like he was really deep in thought.

"Are u okay?" I ask.

"Y-yeah. I'm good." He says. Trevor stayed for 2 more hours before he went home.

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