fighting | s.m

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Its a normal work day for me. I arrived at Tripler for my night shift at 6PM and I have to work until 6AM. Steve and Five0 got a new case this morning so I haven't seen him today. Its currently 5:30AM.

"I need an ultrasound and an emergency blood work. Check her leukocytes, I think she has an inflammation in her abdomen." I order and a nurse takes some blood from my 16-year-old patient. "Okay, Leilani I will put some gel on your stomach and will search for an explanation for your pain." I say softly and she nods. I start searching for an abcess or free fluid and soon, I find the reason behind her pain. "We have a ruptured appendix. She needs an emergency operation." I say to a nurse and she goes to book an OR.

I turn to my patient and her mom and explain the diagnosis. "You had an inflamed appendix and it ruptured which means we have to operate you and get the appendix out, before the inflammation gets in your blood stream." I explain and the mother nods. "Do everything you have to do. Just please, take care of her." her mother says and I nod quickly making my way over to the nurse from earlier. "Bring her to the OR and page Dr. Bailey, she will perform the surgery. My shifts over in 5 minutes and I already have too much overtime work." "I will doctor." she answers and pages Dr. Bailey.

*Steves House*
"Steve?" I yell while entering his house with the key he gave me. It's currently 7AM which is his normal waking up time. I get no answer so I call him. It couldn't even ring two times and he declined the call. "What is going on?" I think and decide to drive to the palace to check up on him.

*Iolani Palace*
"Y/N what are you doing here?" Danny asks as soon as I entered their Headquarter. "I am looking for Steve. He isn't home and wont answer my calls." I answer as I approach him and Junior. They both look at me nervously. "Whats wrong? Is he hurt?" I ask them worried. "No he's not but..." Danny says while scratching the back of his neck nervously. "What? Tell me what's going on" I say a bit angry. "He is on a mission." Junior answers before Danny could. "And? What are you guys hiding?" I ask them. They both can't lie , they are obviously hiding something.

"He is in Hawaii, but with the Navy. They are after a huge drug boss Steve recognized from a mission in Afghanistan"Junior explains. "He is there with Catherine." Danny blurts out. "You mean the Catherine he wanted to marry? That Catherine?" I ask them angrily. "Yes that Catherine." They answer and I sigh. "Since when are they gone?" I ask them silently. "They will come back every minute, they just called to tell us that they finished the mission." Junior says and puts a hand on my shoulder for some comfort, "You dont have to worry, he is a SEAL.". "Im not worried about him, I am worried about the fact that he is there with his ex-girlfriend he wanted to marry."I stated sadly.

Suddenly the door opens and Catherine and Steve enter laughing and holding hands. Both have cuts and bruises everywhere. As soon as Steve spots me, he stops laughing and lets go of Catherines hand. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" he asks shocked and walks up to me. "I was worried about you, but I see you were in the best hands." I say and glance at Catherine, who stares at the ground embarassed.

"We were on a mission together." he answers and pulls me in his office. "What is wrong with you? Why are you on a mission with your ex-girlfriend?" I ask him angrily. "I had to okay? We worked on that case for 4 months together, we-" I interrupt him shocked, "You worked with her for the last 4 months and didn't tell me?" I kinda yell at him. "Y/N I swear-" he tries to say and wants to grab my hands but I quickly take a step backwards. "Did something happen between you two?" I ask while tears started forming in my eyes. He didn't answer and looked away nervous so I ask again "DID SOMETHING HAPPEN BETWEEN YOU TWO? ANSWER ME STEVE!" I yell at him. "YES OKAY? WE KISSED TWO TIMES." he yells back and the tears in my eyes start flowing down my cheeks. "Oh okay" I say sadly and make my way out of his office. He quickly grabs my hand to stop me but I yank my hand away from him. "It didn't mean anything, I promise." he states sadly "I dont care. You cheated on me with your ex-girlfriend. You fucked up Steve" I answer disappointed and leave his office. I look at Cathrine "The bruise on your cheek look pretty bad. Could be skull injury. Go to Tripler and say you need a head CT. Tell them I send you. " I advise before leaving the Palace.

*Steves House*
"Hey girl what's up?" My best friend says over the phone. "Hey girl. Uhmm so I wanted to ask if I could stay at yours for some time?" I ask sniffling. "Yes of course, but you know that I live in Seattle right?" she asks. "Yes I know. Steve and I broke up and I want to get away from this Island. I already called my friend at Grey Sloan Memorial and they actually have a job for me there as the chief of cardio. I agreed and will start in 4 days." I explain while packing a suitcase with clothes and other stuff. "Oh god... yes of course. When will you land in Seattle? I will pick you up at the airport." she says. "Tomorrow 9AM." I say and close the bedroom door. "I will see you then bestie. " "yes and thank you. bye" I hang up and write a small note for Steve.

Dear Steve,

I will leave Hawaii for a little while. I got another job on the mainland. Don't look for me and dont call because I won't answer. I hope she was worth it. And if it wasn't obvious : We are over. I enjoyed the last 3 years but I can't be together with you anymore. I'm sorry

Love, Y/N

I place the note on his dining table together with my key. I take a last look at his house and close the front door.
Here I come Seattle.

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