fighting 2 | s.m

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*2 years later*

I have been working at Grey Sloan Memorial for 2 years. I broke off all the contact with Steve and the other guys, the only one I am still talking to is Junior, because he is my best friend. He told me that Steve was devastated and couldn't concentrate on work for a long time. If I am being honest I do miss him too. I don't know why I broke up with him, because I think we could've solved this problem, but I was too angry at him to talk about it.

I've already been working for about two hours taking care of my post operation patients and giving instructions to my attendings. Suddenly I get paged "911 chiefs office". I run up to the chiefs office and knock on the door. I hear a come inside and enter his room. "Yes sir, what do you need?" I ask as I close the door and smile at him. "Tripler Army Medical Center has a high-ranking army with a difficult heart valve disinsufficiency, that's why he needs a heart valve transplantation. They do have a cardio chief, but he is not as good as you." he explains quickly and I look at him shook.

When I say yes, I have to go back to Hawaii and I don't know if I am ready for that. "Does he have any symptoms?" I ask thinking about my Ohana I left behind. "recurrent breathing difficulties, shortness of breath and abnormal heart rhythm. Its bad Dr. Brown, they need their Cardio god back". I Inhalt sharply as soon as I hear this name. Five0 always called me that. "How do you know about that name?" I ask him curiously. "The patient told the chief, Dr. Kekoa, about a cardio god, his best friends son told him about. The chief immediately knew who he was talking about and called me." he answers honestly. "Whats the patients name?" I ask because I don't know who he is talking about. "Commander Jo White" he answers. I look at him weirdly because I don't know this man and think about it. "When is my flight?" I ask him, "In an hour" he answers. I nod and ready to leave his office. "You can go home and pack some clothes. I will see you in two weeks. I know Hawaii is your home, so I give you some free time" he smiles and I nosed thanking him.

*your outfit for the flight*

*your outfit for the flight*

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*7PM, Hawaii*

I arrive at Honolulu International and decided to call Junior to come pick me up.
"Junior Reigns?" he answers and I smile. "Junes? Its me, Y/N" I answer. "Hey bestie. Its great to hear your voice.", "I actually called because I need you to pick me up." I say and he sighs. "You know that I am in Hawaii and you are in Seattle. How am I supposed to pick you up? Fly over the Pacific? You are funny" he jokes and laughs at me. "I am not in Seattle. Im at Honolulu International." I state nervously. "WHAT?? AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME ABOUT IT?" he yells and I laugh. "Can you pick me up now?" , "Oh uhm yeah I am on my way" I hang up and wait for 10 minutes before I see Juniors car driving up.

He jumps out of his car and gives me a tight hug. "I missed you bestie." he whispers and we pull away from the hug. " I missed you too Junes. Its so nice to see you" I say and we get in his car.

*In juniors car*
"I booked a hotel room at Hilton for two weeks. Can you drive me there, please" I ask and he nods, "Of course". We talk a bit about everything and I tell him about the big operation I will perform tomorrow. "Did you just say Commander Jo White?"he asked shook. "Yes why? Do you know him?" I ask surprised. "He was the best friend of John McGarrett, Steves father" he says and I look at him with a shocked expression. "No that can't be true. I will operate on Steves second father figure? I will see him in the hospital right? He is there with Jo?" I say hyperventilating.

„Girl hey calm down. You will be fine okay. I will be there too. I will support you. Jo needs the best cardio surgeon and that is you. You are the best" he says calmly. I nod and start calming down again. We arrive at Hilton and I get out of the car. I take my suitcase out the trunk and say "The operation is tomorrow morning at 9AM. I will visit him and talk to him about the operation at 8AM. I will see you there. Bye and thank you again.". "I will see you and no problem." he answers and leaves.

I get inside my hotel room and start looking at Commander Whites patient file. I start doing some research about the operation and check all the important things, like blood group of the donor.

Soon I decided to sleep because I have to get up early tomorrow morning. I am a bit worried about tomorrow because I will see Steve again and I think all my feelings will come back.

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