saving your ass / s.m

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*Hilton Hotel Honolulu, 2PM*

*I am currently in Hilton Hotel at the pool to relax after a huge mission in Washington. Now, I am a retired military sniper relaxing in a luxury hotel. At least that's what I thought I would be doing today.
*your bikini*

*I am in the middle of tanning when suddenly my phone starts ringing

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*I am in the middle of tanning when suddenly my phone starts ringing. Without looking, I just answer it straight away*
Y/N: Lieutenant Commander Jones?
???: Y/N, it's Duke.
Y/N: Hey Duke, nice to hear from you. *Suddenly I hear a gun shot. I shot up from my sunbathing chair and stand up*
Duke: Yes, I kind of have to use the favor.
Y/N: Oh god what's up Duke? *I quickly take all my things and make my way up to my hotel room*
Duke: We are at an abandoned warehouse in Kampu avenue 34, Kailua with the Five0 TaskForce. We have a hostage situation here. One of the members of Five0 is a hostage inside and we can't get through. There are shooters all over, as soon as somebody moves, they shoot. We need you from the air.

*I arrive at my hotel and enter*

Y/N: I am on my way. I will be there in 25 minutes, hang in there Duke.
Duke: I will, bye.

*I hang up and throw on some appropriate clothes.*
*your outfit*

*I still need a helicopter though, with a good pilot and luckily I know a guy

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*I still need a helicopter though, with a good pilot and luckily I know a guy. I leave my room and run downstairs to get in my car and drive to the military base in Honolulu. I park my car in the front and jogg inside the base. Some soldiers stop me before I can enter.*

Y/N: Lieutenant Commander Y/N Jones with the Special Forces. I need to speak to Captain Louis Powell with the Air Force.  *I show them my badge and they let me through*
Soldier: he is in the back, second door on the right. *I smile and salute him*

*I knock on the door and hear a silent "come in", so I quickly enter*
Y/N: Hey Louis, its me Y/N.
Louis: Hey what's up. Didn't expect you here. I thought you retired?
Y/n: I did but I need a huge favor and I mean an immense one. *I smile innocently and he sighs*
Louis: Alright get right into it.

*I sit on the chair in front of his desk and explain the situation Duke and the HPD is in. He is really understanding and immediately orders the helicopter.*

Y/N: Before we can start I need some fire. *I smirk at him and he laughs*
Louis: Get in the back of the base and talk to Second Lieutenant Jameson. He will give you some.
*I run in the back and see a guy cleaning guns*
Y/N: Second Lieutenant Jameson? *He looks up and smiles at me*
J: Thats me. What can I do for you?
Y/N: Lieutenant Commander Y/N Jones with the Special Forces. I need some sniper fire. *I smirk and he kinda chuckles*
J: Don't you think a girl like you should go for a smaller gun? *I knew that some guys don't trust girls with big guns but that was mean*
Y/N: Ever heard of the omega ghost? *he smiles*
J: Yes of course. He is like the best sniper the Special Forces ever had. He took out 5 terrorists in DC this week with a distance from 800 meters. he is the best. *I smirk at him*

Y/N: Sadly, he is a she and is standing right in front of you. *he looks at me wide eyed and looks intimidated*
J: Sorry for the misunderstanding
Y/N: Don't worry. But I am kinda in a rush so I need fire now.
*He quickly moves in the back and gets me the best sniper MG they have. I thank him and get in the helicopter. I call Duke to inform him*

Y/N: Duke we will be there in 5 minutes. Tell your dudes to stay back and don't frighten because I will use a silencer. I got a earpiece, please get me somebody in charge*
Duke: Got it. I will get you Detective Sergeant Danny Williams he is Five0.

*5 minutes later, warehouse*

Danny: This is Detective Danny Williams who am I talking too? *I suddenly hear through my earpiece and look down to the hostage situation to see a blond guy*
Y/N: This is Lieutenant Commander Y/N Jones with the Special Forces, look up. *He looks up and sees me, I wave at him*
Danny: Oh you are the sniper.I thought you would be on the ground or something.
Y/n: Nahhh thats not really my style. So I will start now if thats okay.
Danny: We got a hostage inside. Be careful
Y/N: oh dude you don't know who you are talking to.

*I stabilize my MG on a stand and look through the rifle scope.*
Y/N: Alright I got one behind the tree *I take the shot* and he is down, second one behind the car
*I take out 5 others and the final shot is the man inside the warehouse with the hostage*
Y/N: okay Louis, get down a bit. *he obeys and I now have the perfect shot*
Danny: Take the shot if you can. *I chuckle and take the shot*
Y/N: Thats exactly what I was going to do anyways.
Louis: I will land this bird 50 meters down the street.
Y/N: Do it. I wanna see the guy I just saved and get all the appreciation. *He laughs at my comment and lands the helicopter*

*I secure the MG and put it back in its case. Louis and I walk up to the crime scene to meet Duke and the Five0 dudes*
Duke: Y/N thank you so much for this. *he gives me a quick hug and I smile*
Y/N: No problem but now we're even, that means no more favors for you *he laughs and I see some people behind him* Who are those guys?
Duke: Those are the guys from the Five0 TaksForce. Come on I will introduce them to you and you can get your appreciation. *I smirk at him because he knows me so well. We arrive at the group of 5 guys*

Duke: Guys, I want to introduce Lieutenant Commander Y/N Jones with the Special Forces, the best sniper they ever had.
???: Had, as in past tense?
Y/N: Yeah, I retired 3 days ago.
???: Sorry for my partners noisiness. I am Detective Danny Williams and those are Adam Noshimuri, Captain Lou Grover, Officer Junior Reigns and the noisy Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett himself.
Y/N: Oh you were SEAL team 6 right? I heard a lot about you.
*I stretch out my hand for him to shake which he gladly accepts*
Steve: Yes and I assume you are the Omega ghost? *I look at him surprised*
Y/N: How did you know? *he chuckles and the others look kinda impressed*
Steve: I mean no other sniper would've got this shots in less than 30 seconds, so I just put together the pieces and guessed.
Y/N: Well you guessed right. Its nice to meet you
Danny: Yes same here. Its an honor to meet you I mean you are literally famous after all. *I laugh and the others join me*
Y/N: I wouldn't say famous but well known in Army circles.
Steve: Well anyways, thank you for saving our asses, especially mine.
Y/N: No problem, but I think you have to thank Duke, as a matter of fact he was the one who took in his favor for that.

*We talked a bit more about the Army and my "fame" and then I decided to leave again*

Y/N: Well it was nice meeting you, but I will leave now. If you ever need a lifesaver from the air, call me. Bye guys. *I wave and hear some "byes"*
*I am just a few meters away from the helicopter when I hear a "wait" from somebody behind me. I turn around and see that its Commander McGarrett*
Y/N: What can I do for you Commander McGarrett? *I smile and block the sun with my hand*
Steve: I have a question if you don't mind.
Y/N: Sure what's up?
Steve: You know you have some good skills and from what I heard you have skills in both, sniper and combat, so I think you would be a great asset to the team. I mean after all you are jobless, right? *I laugh at his comment and nod*
Y/N: I mean I am jobless and I do need a job, but do you think Five0 needs another member?
Steve: If its somebody like you, definitely yes. *I am surprised by is honesty*
Y/N: First of all, thank you for the compliments but I am just a normal girl who served her country and second of all I would love to work for Five0.
Steve: Thats great. Come to Iolani Palace tomorrow 9AM sharp.
Y/N: Will do Commander. See you tomorrow. *I smile and leave to the helicopter.
Steve: NOW YOU HAVE SOMETHING GOOD WITH ME. *I turn around and see Steve waving. I show him thumbs up and put on my head secure against the loud noises of the helicopter*
Louis: Did you just get yourself a job? *he smirks at me and I laugh*
Y/N: I think I did and its a good one.

*3 days on the island and I got myself a job in law enforcement with some pretty hot dudes, but nobody has to know this*

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