grace | s.m

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*Graces accident*
*you are Dannys sister ; you and Steve are dating since 6 years*


*I get woken up at three AM in the morning, due to my phone ringing. I hear Steve groaning and he tightens his grip around my waist.*
Steve: Don't move babe. *he nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck and kisses it lightly*
Y/N: Babe, we are on duty. It could be a case. *He groans again as I remove his hands away from my waist*
*I take my phone and see that its Danny calling me. I laugh and shake my head*

Y/N: What is it this time Danny? Where do I need to pick you up? *I chuckle as I remember the time I needed to pick him up at a old warehouse because his car broke down*
Danny: Y/N *he says with a broken voice and I immediately know something is wrong*
Y/N: Danny? Whats wrong? *I quickly take a look at Steve who's already sleeping again*
Danny: Its Grace. *I hear his voice cracking as soon as he says her name* she was in an accident. It's bad, Y/N.
Y/N: What? Oh god. Where are you I am on my way. *I quickly get up and search for some appropriate clothes. Steve must have heard me running around the room, because he shots up from his sleeping position in a sitting one*
Danny: Kings Medical Center. She is in an OR right now getting a brain surgery
Y/N: I am on my way Danny.

*I hang up the phone and immediately breaking down in tears. Steve gets right up and runs over to me. He wraps his arms around my body and I cry into his chest.*
Steve: Babe, what's wrong? What did Danny want? *I push myself from his chest and look in his eyes. I wipe my tears away*
Y/N: Grace had an accident. She's in an OR getting a brain surgery. I need to go Steve. *I try to move out of his arms that are still wrapped around my body, but he didn't let me*
Steve: Hey babe, you need to calm down. Let me change and then we will go okay?
*I quickly nod and start changing.*
*your outfit*

*Ten minutes later*Steve: Alright come on

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*Ten minutes later*
Steve: Alright come on. I will drive us.
*Before we leave the house, we take our badges and guns out of the safe. I put my gun in my holster and pin my badge to my belt*

*We leave the house and drive to Kings Medical Center, where we arrive 15 minutes later. I run inside the hospital and ask the receptionist for the waiting room*

Y/N: Danny, Rachel. *I say as soon as I see them in the waiting room*
Danny: Y/N. *I hug him and I see Rachel crying*
Y/N: Rachel, she is going to be fine. She is strong. *I hug her too and see Steve entering the room*
Steve: Guys, how is she?
Danny: We don't know anything. Doc just told us that she needs brain surgery.
Y/N: god, how could this happen? damn

*After some time, Duke enters the waiting room with a concerned face*
Steve: Whats wrong Duke?
Duke: HPD opened an investigation.
Y/N: What?! Why?
Duke: Its the law. They had to. Drug and alcohol screening are registered.
Y/N: Grace didnt drink nor did she take any drugs. You know her.
Duke: I can't do anything, I am sorry. She was way over speed limit
Y/N: Five0 is taking over
Steve/Duke: What?!
Y/N: I wont repeat myself, you heard me. *I get over to Steve and take the car keys out of his cargo pants. I quickly run out of the waiting room before any of the boys could say anything*

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