coming home | s.m

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Before we can start this story I will have to introduce myself and my story.

My name is Y/N and I am 26 years old. Originally I am from Hawaii but I moved to Seattle 3 years ago. I worked with Five0 before. My best friend is Kono Kalakaua and the rest of the Five0 guys. I moved because I have been in love with Steve McGarrett but he didn't return the feelings. I never told him but I knew he didn't feel the same because he was with Catherine. Kono and I are still in contact, she is the only one who knows about my feelings and she told me that they broke up one year ago.


I am back in Hawaii due to Kono's and Adam's wedding and I wouldn't want to miss her wedding day even though this means I will see Steve again.

*2PM at Konos House*

I am at Konos house right now getting ready. "So how have you been in Seattle?" she asks , "I have been really good. I am the chief of a new TaskForce there so, freetime never really exists" I laugh and she chuckles. "Any man?" she looks at me and I sigh, "No, if I am being honest, my feelings for Steve never went away. I don't know if they ever will" I explain silently , "But today is not a day to be sad. Its your wedding so lets finish getting ready, we have to be at the venue in about an hour." I smile at her and we finish getting ready.

*Your Outfit*

*at the venue*

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*at the venue*

"Are you nervous?" I ask Adam while he rubs his hands together nervously. "Yes kinda." he answers and looks at me. "Everything is going to be fine." Before I could continue my phone rings. "Its Kono" I say to Adam and we walk a bit away from the guests. "Kono? You are on speaker with Adam." I answer my phone. "We found the nuke." She says worried. "What? where is it?" I kinda yelled and Adam looked at me worriedly. "Its in a bus, we need you girl." She says and I nod. "Okay I am on my way. Send me the address." I say and hang up. "I will take her here on point. I promise Adam" I smile at him and quickly get to my car.

*Waikiki Beach*

I grab my gun from the safe in my car and park my car. I walk up to the bus where all of the Five0 guys are standing. "Hey! Where is the nuke?" I yell and then approach them. And I see Catherine. Oh god. "Its in the bus." Chin answers. "Y/N, you were in the Special Forces and have experience with bombs. How do we stop this?" Danny asks. "We can't stop it." I say after I examining it. "What do you mean we can't?" Danny yells "It means it will explode and we can't do anything about it" I yell back. "I have an idea" I say "We will put it in an helicopter and fly it over the ocean far enough so it won't hit the island." I state. "Thats the dumbest idea I ever heard." Danny says and sighs. "No we will do that. Lets go" Steve says and I look at him for the first time in 3 years. We start moving and drive to Kamekonas shrimp truck. "Take care of my helicopter please" he says and Steve walks up to it. He stops because nobody is following him to help. "Oh god. Lets go" I say and quickly get in the helicopter.

"Push it in now" he yells and I let it go. "Lets go lets go" I yell a bit scared. We start flying back to the shore and hear the nuke exploding. "we did it" he yells happily and I just smile. We land the helicopter and get out. Kono runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "Thank god you are okay" she whispers in my ear. From the corner of my eye I see Catherine and Steve hugging and her kissing him. Kono stopped hugging me and the others hug me. "I think we have a wedding to attend, am I right?" I say laughing.

*back at the venue*

I see Adam and he immediately calms down seeing us. I show him thumbs up and he smiles.

*after the ceremony*

"So my name is Y/N and I have the honor to hold a speech about my best friend and her husband. Kono and I met 16 years ago at the beach while surfing and immediately became best friends. We surfed together everyday and spend as much time together as we could. We went to police academy and got a job with Five0 before even graduating. I loved being a part of this Ohana. " I sigh and tears comes in my eyes. "anyways I am so happy that Kono found Adam because he makes her the happiest she has ever been. Thank you." I smile and give back the microphone to the singer. I walk up to Kono and she hugs me. "That was beautiful thank you Y/N" she cries.

Soon everybody started dancing, but I stay behind with Chin who is also not in the mood for dancing. "Whats wrong Chin? Why are you so silent?" I ask him and take a sip of my champagne. "I saw Gabriel Waincroft." he states and I look at him shock. "I heard about him. I think I ran an investigation against him 6 months ago." I say and he listens. "Can you send me the files when you are back in Seattle?" he asks and I nod, "Yes of course" I smile and see a person approaching us. "Hey umm Y/N can we maybe talk?" the person says and I turn around seeing the one and only McGarrett. "Umm I don't know what is there to talk about, but sure." I get up and we walk outside. We went to the balcony and stay silent for some minutes.

"So, what do you need?" I ask trying not to sound rude. "Why did you left so suddenly?" he asks with a slightly hurt voice. "I got a job in Seattle as a chief of my own TaskForce and saw my chance. Thats why" I explain calm, even though that is not the only reason. "But why did you never call, I missed you so much girl. Five0 is not the same without you. You have been there since the beginning." he states with tears in his eyes. "Steve I am so sorry" I say and pull him in a hug.

We hug for some minutes and then slowly pull away. "Can I tell you something?" he asks and I just nod. "I like you Y/N. More than a friend and I have for a long time. I wanted to tell you the day you left but I haven't had the chance to. My feelings never went away. Then Catherine came back and I thought it was the perfect distraction, but it wasn't. I can't be together with her if I still have feelings for you." he sighs and the Teras run down my cheeks. "Steve I like you too" I say and he smiles at me "really?" he asks and I nod. He puts his arms around my waist and kisses me passionately. We pull away and smile at each other. "So you are mine now right?" he asks with a huge grin and laugh at his sentence and quickly nod.

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