I just want to help / s.m

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*Steves house, 5PM*

*I am currently waiting for Danny and Steve to come back from Washington. Steves mother was killed during a mission and Danny flew over to DC to watch him because I couldn't. I had to take over Five0. Currently I am on the phone with Danny*

Danny: He is traumatized, sad, destroyed. I don't know how to help him.
Y/N: Oh god. I will pick you up from the base. When will you arrive?
Danny: 7PM. Thank you for picking us up.
Y/N: No problem see you then.
Danny: See you, bye.

*I hang up the phone and sigh. I know this will be a hard time. I have been with him through the death of his father and I will be with him through this too. I have been with Steve for nearly 11 years and we've been through everything together so this wont be a huge problem right?*
*your outfit*

 I have been with Steve for nearly 11 years and we've been through everything together so this wont be a huge problem right?**your outfit*

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*7PM, military base Honolulu*

*I arrive at the base with Steves truck and see the guys already waiting. I park the car and get out. I make my way over to Steve*

Y/N: Hey guys. *I try to go in for a hug, but Steve dodges me. He makes his way towards the car and gets in the back seat*
Danny: he doesn't mean it like that, he is just sad for his mum.
Y/N: Yes I know. *I show him a fake smile* Lets just get home.

*We put their luggage in the trunk of the car and I move in the drivers seat. I glance at Steve through the mirror but he just looks down. I sigh and start the car. After 20 minutes, we arrive at Dannys and he makes his way inside. I don't say anything and drive home to Steve and my house*

*Steves house, 8PM*

*I park the car in front of the house and was going to help Steve with his luggage but he just takes it without saying a thing, and walks straight in the house. I follow him and he was going to walk upstairs but I decided to speak*
Y/N: Look Steve, *he stops in the middle of the stairs and turns around to look at me* I know you are hurt and that this is a huge loss for you. I know that you are devastated and probably just want to sleep, but I am here for you, you can talk to me. I want to be there for you *he laughs and I get tears in my eyes because he doesn't take it seriously*
Steve: You have no idea how I feel right now, do you? *he shouts a bit*
Y/N: Well, no but-
Steve: See. Thats the problem. You can't be there for me because you have no idea how I feel. Your shitty talking, that you want to be there for me is not helping me. *he walks up to me and spit his hurtful words right in my face. The tears start forming in my eyes* I prefer you sleeping on the couch tonight, I want to be alone. *with that being said, he walks upstairs and slams the bedroom door shut.*

*backyard, 10PM*

*I am still crying, but I talked to Danny about Steves behavior and he insisted on talking to Steve about it. I didn't want him to do that but he still did. Right now, I am sitting on one of the chairs on the private beach with a cup of tea in my hands and tear stains over my whole cheeks.*
Steve: Hey *I hear Steve say, but I don't bother turning my head to look at him* what are you doing out here this late. *I laugh at his comment and look at him*
Y/N: Why do you care hm? Its not like you want me to be with you, so it doesn't concern you. *I say with sadness and anger in my voice. I think he got that I am mad at him. He sighs and sits in the chair beside me*

Steve: Look, I know you are mad, but-
Y/N: MAD? I am furious. *I shout and stand up* I want to be there for you because I know how much you cared for your mother even though she wasn't there for you okay? I know it because I love you. I have been there for you though everything. Your fathers death, Jos death or when you were kidnapped by Wo Fat. I have been there. You screamed at me, I took it. You cried in my lap, I let you. Do I need to continue? *he looks at me shook because I never had such an outburst*

Steve: Y/N, I am so sorry. I know I don't say it that much, but Y/N *he stands up too and takes my hands in his* I appreciate you and I love you. Thank you for being there for me every time.
Y/N: I do it all over again because I love you and I need you. But those words hurt me bad, Steve. *he looks at me with tears in his eyes*
Steve: I am so sorry. I am not myself right now. Can you please forgive me? *I look in his teary eyes and see hurt and regret in them*
Y/N: Of course you dork. *I smile and pull him in for a hug. He hugs me back. After the hug, he sits down on the chair again and pulls me on his lap. For the first time this evening, he puts his arms around my waist*

Steve: What is that? *he puts his hands on my stomach and feels the not so small bump.*
Y/N: That is something I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but then you went to Mexico. *I smile down at him and he looks shock* Steve, I am pregnant.
Steve: What?! I am going to be a dad? *he kind of shouts and smiles widely* Are you for real?
Y/N: Yes I am *He hugs me deeply and gives me a passionate kiss after*
Steve: How far along are you? *he asks while putting his hands on my bump again*
Y/N: 5 months already
Steve: Wow, thats crazy.
Y/N: Yes kinda. *he puts me on my feet and stands up too. He pulls up my shirt to look at my bare belly.*
Y/N: What are you doing there mister? *I laugh and he kisses my belly*
Steve: Hey baby, it's your daddy. I already love you with all my heart. And I cant wait to meet you.

*I smile at his cute actions and he looks up at me*
Steve: I love you, Y/N. Thank you for giving me the chance to be a dad. *I pull him in a kiss*
Y/N: No thank you for making me a mother.

*We make our way to the bedroom and change into pajamas. I lay in bed and a few minutes later, Steve joins me. He pulls me into him and I turn around to put my head on his bare chest. He puts his hands on my belly and lightly rubs it. We fall asleep after and forgot about this eventful day*

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