Chapter 15

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Harry's POV.

After Dione indirectly agreed to sing with me, I was busting my head to find the perfect song.

I wanted something smooth and sensual, just like her, but still to match our kind of genre. And then it hit me. Earlier she was screaming out of her lungs Bon Jovi, and that gave me the idea that she was very into them. So I figured out exactly what song I wanted.

We had a drink together and talked a little bit, after our heated session, that was cruelly interrupted by Layla. I learned that she was 25 years old and a system kid who got adopted, unlike me. She confessed that she's a sucker for leather and bikes, exactly like me, and, what amazed me even more about her, she told me that she boxes. I love a strong woman who can defend herself. And I could tell that she could beat the crap out of you if she wanted, just by looking at her biceps. They were strong.

Downside is she prefers vodka from whiskey, and I actually cringed when she told me. But I think I'll let that pass.

"Hey man, I need to add a song for tonight", I say to Marcus in front of me, who was currently tuning his bass.

The guys arrived about 10 minutes ago and now we were setting everything up. They gave me curious looks about the fact that I was already there, because I'm the one that runs late most of the time.

"Ok...", he looked at me with a suspicious brow raised, waiting for me to inform him further, while I placed a cigarette between my lips and lit it up.

"So, I wanna do a duet with Dione", I take a long drag and feel the nicotine run through my veins, "once Nancy finishes Missile, before Kiwi", I finish my sentence exhaling the murderous smoke. "And the song I wanna do is Dead or Alive. But I'll need you to play a second guitar for this one with me", I explain to him.

"Acoustic or electric?", he asks.

"You know the answer", I say, winking at him. I never play acoustic to an audience, just for me.

"Oh man, I haven't touched an acoustic in a very long time. You sure about that?", he worries.

"Marc, you're the most talented guitarist I've seen. After me of course", I tease him and try to give him some confidence at the same time. Although it wasn't a lie, the man was very gifted when it came to music and especially to strings. Even though he played mainly the bass for Hotplay, his guitar skills were equally exquisite.

"Okay, I'll fill the others in", he laughs. "What's up with her anyway?"he asks, pointing his jaw to Dione's direction, who's currently at the bar serving early customers.

I look at her for a second. My god she's breathtaking without even trying. Her hair is fanning and swinging down her back, it's so long that it almost reaches her ass.

"Nothing", I mumble looking down at the sleek-black electric guitar that's hanging on my torso, and start tuning it.

"Oh boy", Marcus chuckles rolling his eyes.

"Shut up", I laugh with him. "What about you?"

"What about me". He looks at me with his big eyes.

I give a glance at Nancy, who's now sitting on one of the big speakers in front of the stage on my left, putting on her red lipstick and swinging her heeled feet back and forth. Then my eyes return back to him, so he can catch on to what I'm referring to.

"Don't wanna talk about it", he mumbles and looks down at his bass again, instantly frowning, and losing the playful tone that he had one minute ago.

"I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again", I sigh with a more serious tone now. "You gotta do something about it, man". He really does, Nancy will never take the first step. She's a very strong and independent woman, but when it comes to men she never makes the first move.

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