Chapter 31

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~Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was~

Not knowing what it was~

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* 16 years earlier *

Harry's POV.

It's a good day today.

No one's really paid much attention to me, and that's always good. Other kids don't seem to like me very much, but that's okay, I don't want them to. Because if they did then they'd like to know me and that would mean I'd have to talk to them. That's something I don't feel ready to do just yet. It's not that I can't, because I do, I just don't like it. I prefer the silence.

Despite my 9 years on this earth, I've already experienced too much noise and commotion through my parents' fighting. My mum would shout and cry all the time and my dad would always smash and break things, like the TV. Sometimes they'd lock me in my room to not witness their fighting, but I could still hear them, although I pressed my pillow so hard on my ears. Also, those times that I was trapped in my room, I was sure my dad didn't only smash objects to the floor. I could tell the difference between snapping a chair or a bone. It was inevitable that one day he'll end up killing my mother. What I didn't see coming was him doing it in front of my eyes and then taking his own life, leaving me alone in this world.

So now I crave and prefer silence.

Of course that identifies me as weird to the other kid's eyes, and it gives them one more reason to pick on me. But that's okay, I don't mind being the weird one, as long as they leave me alone. I watch them as they play in groups tossing a ball with their feet one to another, shouting to each other, some of them giving me strange looks sometimes. They think I'm mute, that's why they always pick on me, that and because they're older than me.

Children's world is a harsh one and I came to learn it very fast, as soon as I got in this foster home. I still remember the day they wouldn't leave me alone and they'd constantly steal food from my plate, saying that if I wanted to eat, all I had to do was ask. I didn't though, I chose to starve for a day than talking to them, demanding to get my food back. But I didn't snitch on them either. I will never be a snitch.

Everytime they wanted to have their way with me, I'd just let them. I realized that if I don't fight back they get bored easily and eventually they leave me alone.

Sitting here on the nice-smelling grass, with my hands feeling its dampness, I squint my eyes to look up at the light-blue sky. I lift one small arm to protect my eyesight from the sun rays, as I take in its beauty. It's sunny today. I like it when it's sunny because it happens rarely here. There is a soft breeze roaming around the big backyard of the house, making my curly hair dance with it as it passes through me, but the heat of the sun doesn't let it make me feel cold.

One day I'll move to a place where the sun will always be this bright and I'll be able to go to the beach and swim for hours. I've never seen the beach, and I don't know how to swim, but how hard can it be?

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