4: Lake

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It was settled, by the end of the day Eddie would be in Mikes's room. It didn't take long to pack up his stuff since they had only been there for a few days. Between Mike and Eddie, they got Eddie's stuff packed up in less than an hour and they were both back in class in time for lunch. They met up with the rest of the losers at lunch.

"Finally, you too are here." Stan said."Richie has something to tell us but we had to wait till you two got here."

"Sorry Mike and I were packing up my stuff. Im moving to his Dorm." Eddie smiled but Richie seemed to be more excited that Eddie didn't have to deal with a shithole of a roommate. 

"Anyways there was something you wanted to tell us Rich?" Eddie questioned.

"Oh um Yah so I don't know if its a date but a-" Richie got cut off by Stan

"What the hell, who would ask trash mouth out." Stan was in shock. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"As I said, Stanley, I don't even know if it's a date but some girl named Hailey-" Richie was cut of again but this time by Bill.

"Holy crap Richie you got asked out by Hailey." Richie looked confused but nodded "Hailey Minch?" Bill wanted to clarify and again Richie nodded. "How the hell did you get the hottest girl in school to ask you out." It was Bill's turn to go into shock.

"I don't know but she asked me to go to the lake with her before dinner," Richie stated before taking a bite of his sandwich. In the remainder of lunch, the losers discussed classes and what teachers they got before it was time to go back to class.

Richie made his way to the air room where he found the rest of his classmates seated. He spied Hailey pointing at the chair next to her. Richie shrugged, what did he have to lose. He took a seat next to Hailey waiting for the teacher to appear. Eventually, He did. He began to talk about the birds. Richie drowned out most of his lecture he just wanted to get his hands on a bird. Finally, after what felt like forever, the professor guided them to a big room with one huge cage in the middle filled with different types of birds, ranging from owls to finches but Richie knew who he wanted. He wanted the Blue Jay. He prayed that once the cadges were open the blue jay would fly to him. The bird was a dark blue with light blue hues and blue specks on its white tail feather. The bird had pitch-black eyes with a few black wing feathers mixed with white. When the professor went to open the cage the birds came flying out, scattering every which way. Birds were stooping at some people and others were moving on. Richie kept his eyes on the Blue Jay the whole time. It flew around the room stopping at every person. Until it found Richie. The Blue jay paused in front of him flew around him a few times before landing on his shoulder. Richie knew he was smiling like a dork. Did he care? No. He was finally happy for a change. He felt like the world has turned its back on him for so many years, leaving him in the dark to fend for himself. No, the world headed left him. It was watching waiting for the best time. Richie extended his arm out to let the bird down to his hand. The Jay, now in his hand, was beautiful. Just like Eddie, Richie smiled at the thought of Eddie. Whenever he got Ed's in his head he would smile like a dork. He would always brush it aside as something else. The only people who didn't believe him were the losers. They never knew about Richie's crush, but they knew something was off about him.

Richie looked deep into his new flying mate's eyes and whispered "Thank you for choosing me." Richie knew the bird probably couldn't understand him but he felt like the jay could. "Im going to name you Speckles." Mentally he wanted to name his birds Eddie Jr. but that would be sus.

"So I see you bonding with your new friend here." Hailey came up snaking her arm around his shoulder like it was the most natural thing in the world. Richie felt his shoulders tense up. What she was doing felt wrong. He didn't feel what he usually felt when Eddie would come up and put his arm around him in a friendly way.

"Yah, Speckles is great." He smiled looking back at her, his goofy hair on his face and a huge grin on his face.

"I see you already have a name picked out." Only now did Richie see the small fluff ball on her shoulder. Hailey picked up the bird cradling it in her arms. "This is Winter."

"The name suits her." Richie smiled rocking back and forth on his feet. He would tend to do this if he got nervous. "Are we still on for the lake."

"Of course, meet you by the front at 4:00 pm." Hailey walked out of the room meeting up with the rest of her friends.

Later that day. Richie was standing in his Hawwian Button up complete with flowers swim trunks and a pair of black pool slides. He watched for a Hailey making sure he didn't miss her. A few minutes later she showed up.

"Ready to go." Richie nodded as they began their walk to the lake. It wasn't long, only 15 minutes. They chatted about their lives and other shit. Richie found out that Hailey's Mom was depressed and her Dad worked so much, it felt like he was married to it. They laughed for a little bit. 

Once they got to the lake Hailey took off her dress revealing the slim-toned body underneath. She was wearing an extremely small bikini, that barely covered anything. "Well, what are you waiting for." She ran into the water splashing and pulling Richie down with her. Richie laughed along with her making his goofy faces and his hair flattened to his hair. Richie didn't feel what he felt with Eddie though. He didn't feel the butterfly or get his red ass face, he didn't want to make her laugh like he wanted to make Ed's laugh. His Ed's. Richie rushed the thoughts away and continued to splash along with Hailey.

It was getting late and they had both gotten hungry. Once they got out of the water Richie put her hair behind her ears. He could tell something was about to happen.  Before long their lids were connected. Hailey was in heaven but Richie felt nothing. maybe I'll grow on me, he thought. Boy, would he be wrong.

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