12: Finally

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Richie ran down the hall, tears pouring down his face. Slamming the door to his dorm and locking it, he collapsed on his bed, letting out a blood-curdling scream of pain. This was not physical pain though, it was mental. He had been hurt, his breathing barely stable, while his eyes were red and fuffy. His face was stained with tears and covered in red blotches.

He had barely had a chance to collect himself when Jay let Beverly in the room. "Hey, Rich." she didn't really know what to say. What do you say to your best friend who just had his life ruined? Richie turned his back to her, He wouldn't let Beverly see him cry. She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso. "Im sorry." She whispered. 

"It's not your fault," He whimpered, trying to contain the sob that wanted to break free. He swallowed back the lump in his through that was growing larger by the second. "I just want to be normal," He breathed out. "I wish I was like you and the rest of the losers." 

"Im going to let you in on a little secret." Bev smiled. "Were all losers, none of us are normal." That brought somewhat of a smile to Richie's face. "I guess your right." he sighed. although he knew what Bev said was true, it didn't make him feel that much better.


Monday. Oh, how Richie had dreaded Monday. The day he would have to face his peers. Richie hadn't left his room all weekend. Not have any food, although he wasn't really that hungry. 

Getting up from bed a chore in its self. He pulled his uniform on and walked out of his room that was still an utter and complete disaster. The walk to his locker was brutal, he heard whispers, saw stares. Richie tried to keep his head down while walking but it didn't help. Slurs were yelled at him from every direction.

 Eventually, he became used to being called Faggot and Fairy. He became numb to it all. The world around him felt like mush. He didn't have feelings anymore, it was like he was an inanimate object. Everywhere he looked there were copies of the picture of him kissing Eddie pasted, school was turning into hell.

During lunch, Cherry slipped a piece of paper in his locker.

Meet me in the courtyard after school


What did this bitch want now, he thought. Richie walked out to the courtyard to the same spot where he had kissed, Eddie. Every memory of that afternoon was flooding back into his mind. He saw Cherry and her big ass smirk on her face sitting standing against the wall flashing the same nasty cigarette. She pulled it out of her mouth. "Finally you decide to show." She was annoyed. 

"What do you want this time bitch."

"Well, that's no way to treat an old friend." Oh how much Richie wanted to smack that grin off her face.

"Like I said what do you want." 

"Oh." she laughed."I just wanted to tell you, you won't need to worry about the baby. I wouldn't want my perfect baby being raised by a faggot like you" Richie lost he shoved her to the ground. Punching her in the mouth.

"AGHHHHHHH!!! I HATE YOU, YOU SELFISH BITCH!" He screamed, slugging her in the eye. He watched as the blood ran down her mouth. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER, YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" Tears were pouring down his face, his neck tensed up. He poured out all of his anger on her face. Richie wanted to walk away. "YOU'RE A FUCKING BITCH, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE You." He cried, moments later he felt someone pulling him off Cherrys disfigured face. 

"Richie what did you do." The voice was terrified.

Hey people, sorry it's short, I'm updating later tonight to so watch out for that chapter. Hope ya had a good day/night. See ya.

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