21: New Beginnings

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To say Richie and Eddie's last two years of high school sucked would be an understatement. Cheryl made sure their lives were a living hell but they were too busy with the twins to be concerned about Cheryl's little games. 

By the end of their senior year, Eddie had graduated with all honors. Eddie had worked his ass off trying to keep up while maintaining his dating life. However, all his work didn't impress his mother. A little over a year ago Eddie had decided his mom should know about Richie. He expected to be yelled at, to be called a disgrace but he didn't expect his mother to scream at him telling him he was sick at that he needed to stay with her. She was sick, Sonia not Eddie. She needed help, real help, not just the fake pills she made Eddie take, to 'fix him'. When Eddie told his mom about the accomplishment she pretended like she didn't know him, he was just a stain that she could never get rid of.

 Richie had achieved his goal of being doubted as the class clown. Eddie would ask Richie why he didn't study, using his free time to conjure up some idiotic prank. Richie would laugh, calling Eddie uptight, saying he needed to loosen up a little, he wouldn't be a kid forever. Although he didn't devote much time to school Richie still managed to get into a college where would study stand-up comedy and acting. 

Mike's work on the football team shined through when he made captain of the varsity team and was voted most athletic. His coach told Mike that he was the best player the school had in years. It didn't come as a shock when Mike got a full-ride scholarship to Stanford to play football. At this rate non of the losers would be surprised if he made it to the NFL. 

Bev won best dressed, mainly because she was going to major in fashion design in college, she had always had an eye for clothing, even with uniforms. The school had no rules against upgrading your uniforms as long as they remained appropriate. This was practically heaven for Beverly. 

Ben was elected best-looking by virtually every girl in school. He had changed a lot since middle, losing weight and looking less like a 10-year-old helped. With all the greedy eyes in high school, this gave Bev a chance to threaten any girl who tried to flirt with Ben. 

Neither Stan nor Bill got nominated for any spots. The only thing they got was a letter from their parents telling them never to come home. Both boys had been expecting the letter as only a few weeks ago they each sent a letter home explaining their relationship, agreeing that it would be safer than coming out in person, it also happened to be a win that they didn't have to go home for anything as all their stuff was already with them. 

Jay had gotten accepted into Harvard law school where he would begin the long process of becoming a criminal attorney. 

Hailey... Hailey still lied in a hospital bed... unconscious with only a small chance of ever waking up.

I know it's short and I haven't updated in a while but it's almost summer and then I will have more free time :D 

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