bro you're an idiot,,,

24 2 0

Two chapters in one day! :)


Jimmy had woken up early the next morning, awoken by his phone non-stop buzzing against the wood of the side table.

He was confused at first since he hadn't set an alarm because it was the weekend, the boy was free from both classes and his horrendous job so why was his phone going off?

Turns out it was his dear friends spamming the group chat to try and wake him up, knowing full well it'd work since the boy was a very light sleeper. One of the many instances where being a light sleeper was his detriment. It meant he was never late for school, which was good, but it also meant that Zeke and Mat were able to harass Jimmy Jr awake whenever they wanted. Apparently they wanted to today.

The boy huffed, turning on his side and grabbing his phone off the table-while also unplugging the charger from it-hopping onto the chat. The two had been texting random things along with memes for the last few minutes, he was afraid to question where they got some of those memes from. The two dumbasses instantly noticed the addition of the ginger's presence in chat and began spamming him once more, not giving the poor boy a chance to respond to any of the prior messages.

Chaotic Kitchen Show

Master Chef🍳(Zeke): eyyy !! J-ju !! my man ! :D
Sent. 10:23am

dish rag(Mat): looks like the disaster lives another day ;)
Sent. 10:25am

Master Chef🍳(Zeke): Matthew.>:(
Sent. 10:26am

Master Chef🍳(Zeke): stop being a big ol' meanie !!
Sent. 10:26am

dish rag(Mat): fine fine,, glad to see ya not dead dude i guess ..
Sent. 10:29am

Me: sooooo.. why d yall gib me a wake up call ?? one that i didn't ask for btw >:/
Sent. 10:34am

Master Chef🍳(Zeke): we wanted to have a bros day !!
Sent. 10:34am

Me: didn't we have one yesterday ???
Sent. 10:35am

Master Chef🍳(Zeke): thats not the same ! we gotta have a bros feel day
Sent. 10:36am

Master Chef🍳(Zeke): take about our problems and becoming closer as friends while splurging on ice cream !!! :)
Sent. 10:38am

dish rag(Mat): we also just wanna here the tea on the rando persons numbr u got
Sent. 10:40am

Master Chef🍳(Zeke): that to! :D
Sent. 10:40am

Me: yall are unbelievable..
Sent. 10:41am

dish rag(Mat): so ice-SCREAM Jerry's in 20 ? ;)
Sent. 10:42am

Me: ...
Sent. 10:44am

Me: ill be there in 10,,,
Sent. 10:44am

The boy sighed, pushing back his bangs with his free hand-an unknowing habit he possessed-sitting his phone on the blankets as he got up to get ready.

His head felt like it was spinning while he picked out his outfit for the day, thoughts flying around the edges of his brain at a mile a minute. Jimmy decided on a plain white t-shirt with a blue coloured pocket and dark washed jeans along with one of his two baseball hats that he owned. He changed into the outfit then reach above him for the cap, it was medium grey with dark fabric in the back; it was his favourite. The green eyed teen pushed back his messy curls again before placing the hat on top of his head to hide the fact he had curls in the first place. He adjusted how the shirt hit his hips, so it didn't feel uncomfortable anymore, then went to grab his phone. The outside world briefly catching his eyes, the boy lifted his head to have his full attention facing the world outside his window. The sky was a brilliant blue that day, no clouds we in sight as birds flew gracefully across the skyscape. Peering downward, he could see people bustling the streets below. Part of him wondered where they were going so quickly.

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