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                                               '**----- 'Only love makes you that crazy' -----**'

[NOTE: the text written in"speech marks and italics" is supposed to be in Spanish, because Mateo can speak that language and the headers will be placed/spaced according to Wattpad on computers/desktops because that's what I use to write. Can't let my parents find out about this. Also special thanks to the user (ferwah_a ) I hopefully tagged for supporting me sm. Ily <3]

I hastily slipped on my shoes and tied my laces, I was four minutes behind schedule and that means that if I don't speed run till the point where there's trees shaped in a circle with a clearing in the middle, than I would be late home and that means that Rose and Liam will worry, and we can't have that.
Turning around, I waved to Mateo, expecting to see him in the window but to my avail, he wasn't there. He was probably asleep.
I took out my phone to check what the time was. 7:19.
I have enough time to be able to get a forty ish minute walk and then I can go get some Chen's so I have an excuse for being late.
Though they had already left, I'm ninety nine percent sure that they'll be back before I am.

After a while, I had realised that Ninjago city was in view. I was doing good on time and no longer needed to rush my walk, which was very convenient since I was getting a bit tired.
"When are we getting food?" A familiar voice came from my pocket. I jumped and soon realised that Mateo had came with me, probably because I mentioned that I would get food too.
Lazy pig. Or mouse at the moment.
"In a while Mat, you could have told me you were coming though."
"Then I'd have to walk myself, so no."
Rolling my eyes, I looked up to see I had wandered off into some random alley. Whoops. Sighing, I reached for my phone.

I heard a few male voices struggling but thought nothing of it and continued on navigating where the hell I was. I was in the middle of opening google maps before someone wearing all black was launched in my direction. We both stumbled to the hard concrete floor, fortunately without any injuries.
"What the hell!?" I dusted off dirt from my clothes and stood up, he had offered a hand to help me but I ignored it. I don't need help.
"Sorry, didn't realise you were there," he told me, swinging his scythe to make the thugs topple over, "what are you doing here?"
"None of your business."
"You're lost aren't you," he continued conversation, he was still fighting. He'd probably get distracted and get hit or hurt. What an airhead.
"No I'm not lost, and even if I was, which I'm not, why would it matter?"
"I could help you-" a bat barely missed his head, "find your way."

I scoffed, "I think you're busy enough-" the three thugs had been defeated and lay dizzy, the black suited guy took off his mask and wiped his forehead with his arm.
"Now I'm not," He smiled at me.
"I'm fine seriously," sighing, I walked away and eventually made out in the open again, but I don't think I'm familiar with this part of Ninjago. Not to mention the guy was still following me.

"What do you want?" I snapped, turning to face him, his ebony eyes were full of mischief.
"Well it's obviously not nothing because you're following me."
"I'm actually not, there was only one way out of that alley," he jerked his head to the direction of where we both came, unfortunately, he was right.

"That- no." He scoffed, hands in his pickets and gave me a 'you-don't-know-what-you're-doing' look which I chose to ignore, "Look I'm just going to  Chen's and I'm hungry so don't bother me." I turned and crossed the road, hopefully my phone hasn't died because I have zero idea where I'm going.
Mateo laughed from my pocket.
This was not a good day. At all.


"CHEN'S IS THIS WAY!!" I managed to tell her before she was completely out of sight. Then brunette glared at me and hesitantly made her way back, dark brown eyes throwing daggers in my direction.
She seemed bothered by me so I waited until she was far enough that I wouldn't catch up to her and continued walking.

I had spinjitzued out of my ninja gear and back into my black hoodie and jeans. Pretty basic, I know. It doesn't attract much attention though, so it served my purpose. Plus it was pretty comfortable.

Lloyd had asked me to meet him at Chen's noodle shop for some reason. Going on about how 'Ninjago needs me'. Spoiler alert, no it doesn't.
Nothing has happened since Zane... well.. died.
The whole team had turned against each other and left to do their own shit. Can't say I don't miss them. Kai and his stupid ideas, teasing Lloyd about being the next sensei, Zane being confused about little things and even Jay and Nya a little bit.
Jay was my best friend before the whole perfect match thing happened. To be honest, I didn't really like like Nya. I was just confused and decided to play along.
I should have known better..

The pasts the past I guess.
For now I needed to worry about what Lloyd wants from me. At least I get to eat while he goes on about his whole speech thing.
I wonder if it was just me or he tricked us all.
Garmadon or Wu probably put him up to this. Poor boy, he always gets sucked in the rest of our problems. He's too innocent for all of us.

Just another day in Ninjago || cole x femreader ||Where stories live. Discover now