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Leaning cross armed on the wall of Cole's before fight room, y/n watched as the raven haired boy mercilessly attacked the punching bag with his 'friend' Jay's picture on it.
"You're gonna tire yourself before the fight even begins," she sighed. Cole hesitantly took a few steps back from the shrivelled remains of the punching bag, seeing Jay's face tattered and defeated on the ground.
"I don't wanna do this.." he sighed, now standing closer to y/n. The pair stared at the picture remorsefully.
"You don't? That's not what I see. You act like the two of you have been sworn enemies since birth," y/n told the boy, his expression darkened.

"Yeah, you're right.. I should've been more understanding to his... situation," Cole told her.
"Situation?" y/n raised a brow.
"Oh erm- long story," he told the brunette whilst quickly glancing outside, "y/n, I need you to promise something."
The concern and worry on his face made y/n's heartbeat quicken. Surely he wasn't going to..
"You better not be thinking of doing-"

"Y/n, look at me," Cole cut her off, lifting her chin so they locked gazes. Y/n stood, anxiously holding her breath.
"I need you to help my friends stay in the tournament," he began, their faces inches apart, "they're like family to me and- and I need you promise that you will try to help them get out of this wretched island."


Deja vu at it's finest right here. My stomach was doing all kinds of things making me feel uneasy and to be honest, scared.
Cole was confirmed going to sacrifice himself or whatever for his friends. At times like this, I wish he was a little bit more selfish or bitchy.
"You'll stay safe?" he asked, voice filled with concern.
"..yeah," I hesitated.
"..promise," I muttered as I felt my face heat up.

A few moments of intolerable silence, it dawned on me how I had to at least try to convince him not to do this.
"Cole.. don't you dare do what I think you're doing.."
"Depends on what you're thinking," he softly chuckled. Chen announced the contestants, signalling for Cole to leave.
"Cole.." I sent him one last concerned look.

In a blink of an eye he delicately pecked me on the cheek and quickly made his way out. I physically felt my face burn up and I brought my hand to where his lips met my skin. 
My heart was beating too fast for it to be normal. I was going to explode.
I knew it. Cole would be the death of me.


Lloyd watched as Cole speed walked into the 'ring' to face Jay. The boy went into his friend's pre-fight room and saw y/n watching the direction the raven haired boy left, holding her cheek and she looked very flustered.
He could guess what happened and decided to not pester her about it, for now at least.
"Uh.. y/n, you coming?" the dirty blonde sheepishly asked.
Y/n slowly nod, her gaze still locked on Cole. Eventually she shook her head, snapping out of her 'trance'.

The teenagers sat down silently on the seats, y/n completely zoned out and Lloyd looking at her with a perplexed expression.
"What? Did they screw before the match or something?" Kai jokingly asked, instead of a laugh he was met with Lloyd biting his lower lip looking dazed.
"Fucks sake.." Kai muttered, grossed out. He held his face in his hands and then focused himself on the fight again.

"Lloyd.." y/n lent towards him.
"Hmm..?" the boy replied.
"Cole.. he," she started, "told me to help you guys. That's why I'll be sticking around in case you start wondering."
"Why..?" Lloyd's eyes widened and he quickly apologised, "not like that sorry.. I meant like, what'd he say to make you do it?"


After the fight, as expected, Jay won because Cole gave himself won and I was stuck all alone. Unfortunately, I had gotten a bit attached to Cole and without him the whole vibe seemed a bit off.
Well for me at least.
"So y/n," Kai cleared his throat when Garmadon was out of earshot, "what happened before the fight?"
I looked at him bluntly. I knew where this was going.
"With you and Cole, I mean."
Lloyd nudged his stomach and Jay just looked really confused.

"Did they fuck or something?" he asked, still befuddled. Kai burst out laughing and I rolled my eyes. Lloyd simply wasn't having it so he shot a quick glare towards the ginger.
"No," I answered solemnly.
Their friend- no almost family, was just thrown into the ground of a mysterious island and they were making jokes?
"Come on, lighten up a little," Jay told me through his giggles.
Wasn't it Jay's fault that Cole got out? Wasn't it his fault that I was alone? Wasn't is his fault that Cole is who knows where?
My fists clenched and I took deep breaths to calm myself. 
Deep breath in.. and out..

"Why..?" I asked him, curious to know what could possibly be so up lifting. Hey, I didn't wanna be gloomy all day believe it or not.
"You know, sometimes you have to look on the bright side," he started, "so you don't end up depressed all the time."
"What bright side?" I groaned, "listen, I get you're trying to help but I have literally heard that like a gazillion times before, it helps with nothing."
"You need the right mindset y/n," Lloyd chim
Let's lecture me because I'm bummed my friend's missing, woo! 

Garmadon and Lloyd left and it was now Jay, Kai and I waiting to reach our rooms. 
"Jay, how long do you think it'll take before their first make out session," Kai loudly whispered to the ginger.
"I think it's already happened," Jay excitedly asked the brunette who snorted in response, "how long do you think it is till Cole and y/n date?"
"You realise I can hear you two, right?"
"Answer us then." 

"It's not like that, Cole and I are..." my mind wandered to that time where we almost.. you know.. Maybe we weren't just friends, maybe it was more complex than that.
"You and Cole are..?" Kai asked me.
"Friends. Good friends." I nod, shaking my head as if to affirm this to myself rather than them. 
Jay waved us goodbye as he'd reached his room. 
Soon enough, mine came too. 

A/N- sorry the last bit's kinda shit, i didn't have enough words so I had to waffle on for a while LMFAO- Anyways have a nice day/night/evening and go drink water. Also currently writing at 11:11 so that's cool :)

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