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As we approached closer and closer to the island, everyone started to gather at the front of the ship, pushing other people to properly see the island. 
"Look at that.." 
"Let me see!"
"Ow! Do you mind!?"

I was standing furthest away from the exist. Mostly because getting stuck in a mini stampede was not on my to do list.
Once we stopped moving and the boat had anchored, the plank was set down.
"Welcome to Chen's island," the greasy haired man (who I now know is called Clouse) told everyone whilst crossing the plank, "The tournament of elements welcomes it's brave fighters."

All of us made it to a gate that Clouse opened over dramatically, there was a bunch of men chanting and playing the drums in unison. It was like we were all about to be sacrificed or something. 
Which was not something I signed up for. 
Then again, I didn't sign up for any of this, and there were no terms and conditions. Not that I would read them anyways. 
We were lead through into more gates, this time it was inside. Clouse instructed us all to sit down in a circle ish formation one the floor. 

There was a dragon looking creature engraved onto the floor and painted metallic golden so it shined in our eyes. Real nice of the architects wasn't it?
A stout man with tattoos all over him hit the gong, he was wearing the same thing as the people who were drumming and chanting. The little conversations that were going around had ended. 
"All rise for Master Chen.." Clouse spoke. 

Everyone reluctantly stood up and watched as a chair facing backwards was lowered from behind the purple and gold banner. 
"Welcome to the tournament of elements! Now everyone can all die," He told us.
I literally knew we were going to be sacrificed today. I fucking called it.
"Di-rect your attention to mee!!" The man chuckled. He had a squeaky childish voice and also sounded like a snob. Didn't seem intimidating though. He was more childish than scary, and considering he looked very old, it was not a good look for him.

"Hee hee hee! Never before have so many elemental masters been under one roof," he excitedly informed us, "I see masters of fire, earth, shadow, speed and even a prophesied green saviour.." he paused. 
He hadn't mentioned me, or noticed me for the matter because when his eyes landed in my direction his face lit up with a look of pure evil and delight. It made me very uncomfortable. 

"Why the hell is he looking at you like that..?" Cole angrily whispered from beside me to which I simply shrugged. I didn't know myself.
"This symbol before you is for the Anacondrai," he diverted his gaze and carried on, pointing at the snake symbol on the gong, "fiercest serpentine warriors to ever roam this land. It's creed 'only one can remain'."
The gong was struck again, revealing brackets with two people in them which was probably showing who was fighting who. 

I glanced over to the person I was supposed to fight, they were already glaring at me.  
"Behold, a jade blade! On this island it represents life.."


I searched my room, it was mostly purple and what wasn't purple was black. Pretty prejudice. Maybe I didn't even like purple. 
I had a huge flat screen TV and my bed was placed in the middle of my room. There was a cupboard with a slide door that had one or two purple gi's in it. My bag was already in the right corner of it and I didn't plan on unpacking. I'm simply too lazy for that type of thing, you know?

"Fellow fighters," a voice boomed from the speakers. I groaned, hadn't we heard enough of Chen already today?
"Hidden around my island are enough Jade blades for every participant except one. The one who returns to the palace arena empty handed loses."
Oh crap, that's not good. I searched around my room and quickly found a jade blade that had been stuck in my light.
Climbing to it, I hid it in my shirt and went out to my balcony. 
"The tournament starts... now!

I went on my roof to avoid anyone as long as possible and saw two people fighting each other, you could call it, for a Jade blade. One of them spotted me whilst falling in defeat so I quickened my pace.
Other than that there was no one, so I guess everyone went inside. 

Making it to the gates of the palace arena, I spotted Cole about to go in. 
"Don't tell me I have to be a gentleman and give you my blade.." he groaned. I rolled my eyes and revealed mine, he sighed with relief. 
I doubt he would actually give it though. It's a life or death situation, he wouldn't dare. 
"Ladies first," Cole bowed. I yanked his arm and pushed him in front of me. He got the message and walked in first. 
Mostly everyone was already there. 


We were heading to the dining hall when I felt a tug on my sleeve. 
"What the hell- Oh it's you.." 
"You don't sound pleased..? I'm hurt," Cole fake pouted, "wanna sit with us- no, me for dinner?" 
"That was direct," I commented. He just shrugged at me.
"No, no one else knows me, do you even realise how awkward it'll be?"
"Nope, Sensei G knows you! Kai, Jay and Lloyd don't really matter to be honest so it's fine," he grabbed my hand, our fingers intertwined. 
"Isn't Garmadon not allowed inside..?" I asked him, freeing my hand. 
"Oh yeah.." Cole paused to think for a bit, "come anyways.. pleasee"
The last sentence he said sounded more genuine. The same tone that an apology that someone actually means is said in.

"Why though..?" 
"Well, I'm usually pretty bored and it doesn't help that I can't talk without it being awkward anymore either.." he sighed, "but if you don't wanna then I'll just go... and come to sit with you instead."
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I agreed to let him sit near or next to where I was sitting. 

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