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I walked into the dining area at a reasonable time as to not attract attention. Everyone's light chatter and the clicking and clacking of cutlery and plates filled the room.
It kind of looked like a school canteen but with sofas and less seats, and hopefully better food too...

"COLE-!! Come here," the brunette wearing a red gi dragged Cole from his arm and away to their table.
I lightly chuckled to myself and went to an empty set of mini sofas after getting my food. It didn't look too bad if I was being honest. And it didn't smell like six year old expired celery either!
Probably because Chen literally owns one of Ninjago's biggest food chain.
It was a win win situation.

"Hey, can I sit here?" a vibrant green haired girl wearing a bright green crop top with a black skull on it asked me in an overly sugary voice.

I nod and got back to my food.
"My names Toxin, what about you?"
"y/n," I bluntly answered.
No offence and not to be mean or anything but I didn't really want to be talked to at the moment.
Food was my first priority, always.
"That's an... interesting name isn't it!"
I stopped eating and looked at her, she was ignoring the whole thing and pretending like nothing happened.

"Excuse me..?"
"What?" Toxin innocently asked me, a despicable fake smile plastered across her face, "you don't like the truth?"
"What truth- the hell..??"
"Your name is wired.." she looked me up and down with an expression of disgust, "who names their child y/n?"
"What in the year two- I'm sorry do you need something?"

She really can't be bashing my name when hers is literally a poison of plants.
Not to mention she looks like a homeless highlighter ass failed nuclear bomb.
Like, pick a struggle sis..

"I'm gonna go-!" I got up from my seat as I had finished the food and attempted to leave before I bumped into someone.
"Whoops, sorry," Cole apologised, dusting himself off.
"You again," I sighed, "what can I help with sir?"

Toxin got up and leaned against the sofa, staring googly eyed at Cole, "hello there, what's your name?"
"Uhm.. Cole?"
"Cole's a very handsome name.." She twirled her hair and batted her eyes like she had an eyelash stuck in them or something.
"Thanks I guess..??"
I almost chocked on air. This was so depressing.
Bursting out laughing, I walked away from the two. Seriously that was today's high light, you know apart from all the Chen and Jade blade stuff.


I lay on the edge of my bed, swinging me legs back an forth. The television was playing NGTV (ninjago television) news  without anyone really paying attention. It was just some background noise I put in attempt to swallow the deep eerie silence. 
I wish there was a better way to spend time than continuously hearing Gayle Gossip's voice and the endless adverts for useless things to help you survive the next 'end of the world'.

It didn't even make me sleepy, which was the whole point. There were about five to six ish tournaments tomorrow and if Chen decided to switch up the boards for me to have to fight, then I can't possibly doing it tired and half asleep, can I?

Frustrated, I went out to my terrace to get some fresh air. I positioned myself comfortably sitting cross legged on the railing, soaking in the fresh air and getting some peace and qu-

"Look who it is." 
My whole body jumped, almost throwing me off the railings. 
"You idiot!" I clutched my chest where my heart supposedly was and carefully got off back onto my terrace, "I could've fallen off and broken most of my bones!"
"Sorry.. my bad.." Cole softly chuckled, sitting on his railing, "can't sleep?"  
"Mhm.. same for you I'm assuming?" 
"Nah, I'm just stalking you," he joked.
Rolling my eyes, I looked up to face him.

The moonlight made his features more prominent.
Never before had I noticed his sharp jawline and the way his hair looked messy but neat at the same time and how it perfectly sat right where it would make him look good. His eyes glinted like enstatite gems. Cole was looking down, smiling to himself. 
My heart beat became reasonably faster, it was so loud that I was so sure Mateo could hear it from wherever in Ninjago he was.

Fuck. Stupid hormones.. 
He better not have caught me staring.
I tried to avert my gaze but my body wouldn't obey. 
Not now, what if he sees me staring? He'll never let me live in peace if he catches me. 

Cole faced up again. Our eyes locked. 

"Are you.." Cole cocked his head to the right and looked deep into my soul, "staring at me..?" 
"No gross," crossing my arms, I stuck my tongue out at him. Cole simply rolled his eyes and tut.
We sat in a comfortable silence, just studying the stars and different shades of blue and black in the sky. 
My mind wandered to Mateo again. I miss him. 
He would probably make fun of me for getting caught staring, eat most of my food, destroying my room's setting so I get exhausted enough and sleep, be there as emotional support when I'm sad and he even tries his best to help me when I'm lost or confused. 
Bless the poor soul. He didn't deserve whatever Chen was doing. 
After all, he was still young. 
A single tear rolled down my check. 

"Wanna talk about it..?" Cole softly whispered. 
He had managed to jump to my terrace and position himself next to me without me noticing. 
"Not really.." 
Cole hesitated, then pat the back of my shoulder, "it'll be okay.. I promise.." 

And with that I drifted off.. 

A/N- so sorry the chapters kinda horrible and that it took long to come out. my plan was messed up so I had to re do it and i kept getting distracted with tik tok, as one does yk. But anyways, i hope you enjoyed <3 stay safe and eat/drink something! 

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