Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Promise POV

"ID please?" The librarian asked me to check out a book.

I handed her my school Id and she scanned it.

"Here you go" she said handing me the book with my Id.

"Thanks" I said then walked to one of the tables.

I sat down and laid the book on the table then felt cold hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" The person said in a high pitch voice.

I laughed when I took his hands off.

"What you doing here Keshawn?" I asked him as he sat down next to me.

"I was talking to my coach then I saw your little cute ass through the window" he said taking out a snickers and handing it to me.

"Thanks babe. I was hungry" I said unwrapping it.

"What's that?" He asked pointing at the book.

''Nothing" I said closing the book.

"Let me see" he demanded trying to get the book.

I yanked it away.

"It's nothing Keshawn" I said and he grabbed it then stood up.

"Stop playing, give me the book!" I yelled getting up trying to get it from him.

"If you can reach it" he mocked as he was circling his hips and raising his arms higher.

I huffed then rolled my eyes.

"Hey. Can y'all sit y'all asses down? This ain't no playground" the librarian said.

"My bad" Keshawn and I said, sitting back down.

Keshawn looked at the front cover then looked at me crazy.

"Really Promise? A ghetto yellow pages?" He asked.

"What? I need to look up an old friend" I said.

"Please Promise. I know you, what you up to?" He asked.

"I know a boy that worked for T.D. " I said and he sighed heavily.

"And I really think that he can help" I said.

"Why don't you just let your dad take care of this. Plus this yellow pages was made over a year ago, it ain't up to date" he said.

"A little help won't hurt, plus that's the new version" I said grabbing the book back.

"Really? Who made it?" He asked.

"Some kid.. I don't know, that doesn't matter. I want to find my mother before anything happens to her" I told him.

"How bout we make a deal then Ms.Promise" he said making me look at him crazy.

"What?" I asked.

"Spank came to my practice the other day, he asked me to help him with something that most likely has to do with finding your mom" he explained.

I sighed.

"Baby I meant when I said I don't want you being in my dad's business. You don't have to do that for me" I said holding his hand.

"It ain't only that P. He's offering me 25 thousand" he said.

I looked at him crazy.

"25 thousand what?" I asked.

"Dollars, bucks, green" he said.

I sighed then looked at him.

"I need the money badly, if I don't get it we gon have to live in the ghetto. I ain't got time for no more black people" he said with a laugh.

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