Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

~ 3 weeks later

Promise POV

The sound of my alarm clock went off and I hit the snooze button. I really didn't feel like waking up and going to school.

As I was about to lay my head back down, I felt my phone buzzing under my pillow. I grabbed it and the caller ID read "Hubby <3".

"Hello ?" I answered with my voice sounding like I was half dead

"Wake up baby !" Ke'Shawn yelled waking me up a little bit

"I'm so tired babe" I said grunting and putting a pillow over my head

"Come on Promise , if you aint going to school , then I aint going to school'' he said knowing l hate it when he doesn't go to school. I just sighed.

''Alright baby I'll call you when I get there" I said sitting up on my bed , not wanting to get up

"I'll be waiting lil bit'' he teased

I placed my phone on my counter then got ready. I took a long cold shower , about 20 minutes.Then I brushed my teeth afterwards. I put on my VS Sweet Temptation lotion and perfume. I threw on a Ramones muscle tank, black harem pants, and my toro 4's with a gold chain and left my hair straight.

* Promise outfit to the side *

I grabbed my iPhone , my leopard print case, headphones, and the Toyota keys. Trey kept bugging me today for the Ferrari -______- . I cant wait till until my birthday for my own car , which is approximately in 4 weeks! I've been bugging my dad for a car , it doesn't matter what kind but I preferably want a silver Porsche.

I went downstairs and sat with Trey and my dad. They both just stared at me as I grabbed my plate of food and sat at the table. "What?" I asked awkwardly. "Someone's looking good'' My dad said eyeing me up "Thanks'' I said taking a bite of my cinnamon rolls. "So what's with all that giggling I heard coming from your room last night , It sounded like you were caking on the phone'' Trey said and I gave him a death glare then kicked him underneath the table as he laughed "Oh really ? and who's the lucky guy ? well not so lucky cause if I find out he breaks your heart, imma break his face" my dad said. I never really like talking to my dad about my love life. Every single time I do , he butts into my relationship.

Last guy I told him about , he pissed his pants because my dad threatened him , telling him if he makes me cry he's going to kill him in his sleep. Ever since that day , I never saw him again.

"No dad don't listen to this idiot , it was just Diamond'' I said rolling my eyes at Trey "Come on baby girl , you can tell me anything'' My dad said ''Yea baby girl'' Trey said mocking my dad and batting his eyes, gay ass. I looked at my phone then realized I had to go. ''Well this was a pleasant conversation , but frankly I have to go , I love you guys" I said grabbing a plate of cinnamon rolls and kissing my dad on the cheek  and Trey. But Trey wiped his off. "Bye Smurf !" Trey said when I walked out.

I went into the Toyota and drove to Keshawn's house. I waited on his drive way for him to come out. When he came out , I couldn't help but to look at him. My baby looking spiffed. He had on a pink polo collard shirt with a black horse , jeans, and timberlands.

Me and Ke'Shawn has been dating for three weeks now. I love Keshawn's annoying ass. Our relationship is too funny. We play like were brother and sister , have conversations like were best friends, and treat each other like husband and wife . I couldn't have it any other way. He's always teasing me and calling me skinny mini , little bit , and tiny. But we talk to each other like how me and Jaquan talk to each other , we can talk about anything. But at the end of the end of the day we love each other like a young married couple.

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