Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ke'Shawn P.O.V

I laid on my long black couch as I watched the basketball game with Jaquan and Quay. I texted Promise to come over because I haven't seen her since yesterday at the station. I was hoping she wasn't over reacting about the whole situation. Promise must got me mistaken for a soft nigga. If it's one thing my dad taught was too never be soft and fight for what you love. I love promise to death and I would do anything for her. I'll give Promise some time , but if she doesn't want to tell her dad then that's all her....

I then felt my phone buzz and it was a message from Promise saying 'Alright love , I'm on my way <3'... I pressed the top button of my iPhone then placed it in my gym shorts.

"Man how does it feel to be dating a mafia princess?" Quay said while eating chips. I chuckled inside. "It's whatever man, but I don't think her pops funna be happy that she dating a dope boy" I said putting up my feet on the coffee table as they laughed. "Bruh! That's some shit, but they is some benefits in having a mafia princess as a girlfriend" Quay said and I looked at him. "Oh yea? and whats that?" I asked still smiling and he gave me a smirk. "Mann whatever , I'm just tripping on the fact on how she ain't even tell me her dad was a mafia king" Jaquan said shaking his head. "Man what you tripping for? Ke'Shawn the one that should be worried because his ass might get popped when her dad finds out that he fucking her daughter" Quay said and I raised my eyebrows. "Really Quay?" I said making him and Jaquan laugh.

Our attention then turned to the door when it rang. "Oooo it's Spank !! He came for your ass!" Quay said as I got up and they both laughed. "Y'all need to shut the hell up" I said getting up and fixing my gym shorts. I walked towards the door then looked at the peep hole and saw it was Promise then opened the door.

I looked down at her as I bit my lip. She had on my Lakers shirt I left at her house, black tights, and yellow slippers and her vanilla scent hit my nose and I couldn't help but to inhale it. "Well it looks like you came to sleep over" I said as she let out a low laugh. "Can I?" she asked and I chuckled. "Of course" I said taking her hand and making her come inside.

"Hey guys" Promise said to the guys as I closed the door behind us. "Hey booooo!" Jaquan said waving his hand. "Hey boo boo" Quay said pouting his lips out like a ghetto girl. "Y'all a mess" she said laughing and sitting on the couch. I then took a seat a next to her and wrapped my arm around her neck.

"Babe guess what?" she asked while playing with my fingers then Quay turned his attention to us. "Awhh.... man Shawn... we funna miss you, It was nice knowing you man" he said shaking his head and I sighed as Jaquan laughed. "Shut up dumbass" I said making him laugh harder. Then Promise cracked a smile as she shook her head "Nah , my sister called yesterday and I'm going to visit her , and I want you to come with me" Promise said holding my whole fist in both her hands. I then looked at her and smiled. "Awhhh she want you to meet her sister" Jaquan said in his baby voice. "Shut the hell up" I said making them laugh. I swear they be bugging when I'm with Promise, but it be funny. "So you down?" she asked looking up at me pleadingly. I planted a kiss on her lips then smiled at her. "I'm down baby" I said and smiled. "Aww I guess y'all cute or whateva" Jaquan said making us laugh. "Jaquan don't you got a girlfriend to talk to?" I asked and he smacked his lips. "Man fuck that , her slice of bread head lookin ass, tall booty lookin ass, dome head ass hoe" he said making tears come out our eyes. He stay talking shit about her when they get into it.

"What happened now?" Promise asked and he sucked his teeth. "She talking bout how I'm cocky and I got too much hoes on my shit , so I was like hop off my shit , annoying ass hoe!" he said emphasizing the last part and we busted out in laughter.

''Why don't you go with Diamond?'' I asked making him roll his eyes. "Her non green card having ass, she's in love with Promise's brother'' he said as we all laughed. He always talking bout Diamond and she always talking bout him , they know damn well they like each other. "How bout you go out with Diamond?'' he scoffed with an attitude making Promise raise her eyebrows. "Na, my lady right here'' I said pulling Promise to my chest and I could tell she was blushing. I always laugh at her cause she say black people don't blush. "Well if you won't then I will'' Quay said and Jaquan went wide eye. ''Nigga she don't want your long head ass, ole strong booty head ass'' Jaquan said cracking us up, he never makes sense when he be cracking on people.

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