Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Keshawn's picture to the side*

Promise P.O.V

I sat in my class with my headphones plugged in and my eyes locked into my phone reading wattpad. This class is the most boring class of the day , the only thing that I do in here is listen to music and read. Oh and glance at Ke'shawn a couple times. Did I mention he's in this class? He always just sits there and talk to his homeboy or listen to music. I always find myself looking around the whole class and the lame posters the teacher has posted up and my eyes always end up looking at him. Anything he does is always so sexy.

Ke'shawn is tall ,light brown skin, cute ass dimples ,a nice blow out haircut, with a couple of tattoos. He's 6'0 full of pure sexiness and every girl is thirsty for his ass which is why I don't even bother.

I looked at the time on my phone and we have only 3 minutes left. I put my notebook and sat down and waited for the bell to ring as "Benediction" by August Alsina played through my headphones. I looked up to see Ke'shawn fine ass glance at me then looked away. I chuckled inside.

For the four years I've been at this school , we've only talked a few times and it's usually only because sometimes we'll get paired up for a project or he asks me for a pencil. Sometimes I would just watch him as he lick his lips and they way he talks to his homeboys and the way he walk, lawd the way he walk just has so much swag to it. And let me not talk about the way he smiles. The way he smiles makes me have this feeling in my pants and the way he dresses be on point all the time.

The bell finally rung and my ass was the first one out that class. I swear, I be ready to get the hell out of this school. While I was walking I bumped into somebody tall, I looked up and saw it was Ke'shawn. Suddenly butterflies were flying all over my stomach,  making me weak. "My bad" I said trying not to blush "Its cool" he said with his sexy ass voice and his cute ass dimples then he walked away , lord Jesus help me now. I shook it off then walked to my locker and placed all my books in and waited for Diamond to come so we can roll out this joint.

After leaving school we went to out to our home boy Jaquan house. It's usually just us three , we all close as hell. Of course Jaquan gets tired of us and rather go hang out with his homeboys but we all close best friends. Jaquan is cool as hell with Ke'shawn. He thinks that I have a little crush on Ke'shawn but in reality , I have a bigger crush than that.

We sat in his living room watching t.v and eating , this was me and Diamond's second home. "So what happened at school today?" Jaquan asked , this boy always skipping school. He says it's useless, we learn the same thing everyday.

"Ain't shit happened, same bullshit just a different day" Diamond said causing us to laugh "How bout you P , anything new happened today?" he asked "Na , nothing ever happens" I said "Well she did bump into Ke'shawn today and she was blushing like crazy" Diamond said and I looked at her confused "I was walking by and I saw , but I see you girl, boosting your game up" she said causing me to chuckle "Man whatever" I said "You know I can talk to him for you right ?" Jaquan said and I shook my head "You guys , he is least of my worries, I got grades to maintain and sports to play, I don't need a man" I said "Yeah but you sure do want one" Diamond said and I rolled my eyed and Jaquan chuckled "How bout you Q , how's you and your girl ?" I asked Jaquan. Him and his girl are so cute , they about to be a year.

"We good , but she starting with all that he say she say shit, it's irritating" he said

"Damn it's cause chica got it bad" Diamond said munching on her chips

"What is she hearing ?" I asked

"She think I'm fucking one of yall low-key" he said and Diamond almost choked on her chips causing me to laugh.

"Say what ?" she said

"I know right ? That shit bullshit , if I was fucking yall , why the fuck would I make that low-key ?" he said and I shook my head

"Why does she think that ?" I asked "Cause I'm always with yall , she said I cant be just friends with girls like you guys" he said

"So basically that's a compliment , shit thank you honey boo" Diamond said making me laugh and Jaquan just shook his head.


After Jaquan's house , Me and Diamond went to my house.

"Hello Mr.Carter" Diamond said while my dad was getting ready to leave

"Hi Diamond, hey sweetie" he said

"Where you going dad ?" I asked

"Emergency call , I'll be back though sweetie , yall behave" he said

"Alright y'all" he said and we waved at him and went upstairs to go lay on my bed.

"Where your brother at" Diamond askedas she had her eyes locked on her phone , laying on her back on my bed. "Diamond , keep calm" I said laughing as she smacked her lips. "How could I ? Do you not see your brother ?" she asked and I chuckled "Yes girl we look alike" I said "And that is why I think your so pretty mama" she said touching my chin , my bitch got problems. "I wonder how Senior get together's be like" I said "They be turnt up as fuck , I've heard, it all happens at at a hotel lounge" she said "What hotel would allow a lot of black teenagers into their lounge and rooms to act a fool ?" I asked and she chuckled. "The one across the block from here, the school rents one side of the hotel for that one whole weekend, and whatever happens, it's between us, not the hotel or the school" she explained "Wow ,I'm surprised the school's ole broke ass can afford all that"" as she smacked her teeth and laugh. "Girl please I doubt they paid for that, the hotel just feels bad for us, the hotel already cheap itself" she said making me laugh. She was right. Our school cant afford shit. Last year the Seniors had to do their prom in the cafeteria and had cafeteria food. I'd be damned if they do that this year. I'll beg my dad to give them money if I have to.


After I dropped Diamond home , I laid on my bed and texted. I was chilling and shit then Trey came inside my room killing my vibe -.- .. "Trey how many times have I told you to knock ?" I asked irritated. He always bugging me. "Plenty" he said laughing "And it still cant get into your thick ass skull" I said "Pshh man whatever , wassup with your girl though?" he asked sitting on the edge on my bed "Watchu mean ?" I asked already knew what he was referring to Diamond's ole wildin ass."She crazy" he said causing me to laugh. "I like that though" he said and I stopped laughing with both my eyebrows raised. "Hold on you like Diamond?" I asked shocked. I would never think that. Diamond a baddie but I always thought Trey thought she was a crazy bitch. "Why you seem so surprised for ? she bad as fuck" he said licking his lips and I smacked my lips. "I know that , I'm just saying , she's 18 and your 19 Trey" I reminded him. "So what ? aint she turning 19 next year ?" he asked and I rolled my eyes. "Yes Trey, and by that time you funna be 20 and a sophomore in college. Sometimes I just wonder what is in that head of yours" I said laughing at the thought. He just snarled his lips up "All I'm saying is that your girl fine as hell, and you cant blame me for thinking that" he said walking out my room and I shook my head and laughed "Good night sis" he said turning off my light "Good night bro" I said then took my tired ass to sleep.

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