Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ke'Shawn POV

After school, I went straight home. Since Promise ass is coming over soon  , I had to clean up the place before she came.

As I took the vacuum from my garage and went upstairs, I started getting everything together.

One thing my mom loved about me is that I always cook and clean. Only because my dad was lazy to do anything , so I was taught to do everything , and now it's a force of habit.

In the middle of cleaning , I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at my watch and it was only 2:45. My little brother doesn't get out of his after school program until 5:30 and I knew it wasn't Promise because she had to go somewhere with her dad.

I walked downstairs to open the door and to my surprise it was my homeboy Dwayne. I haven't seen him in a minute. We go way back. Back when we were in baby cribs. His mom knew my mom , and they was close as hell.

When his mom found out that my mom and dad died , she went crazy. She left me and my little brother with 5 grand to take care of ourselves, and once in a while they would stop by and help us out. 

"Wassup man , I haven't seen yo ass in a while" I said when we sat on the couch.

"Yea man , I've been busy and I have had a lot going on" he said putting his hands behind his neck and placing his feet on the table, he always getting comfortable when he comes into this house. I don't mind though cause this nigga like my brother.

"Wassup with your mom?" I asked and he shrugged. "She iight , still making cookies" he said making me laugh and shaking my head. Her cookies banging doe.

"How's you and Priscilla ?" I asked and he smirked.

Him and his girl has been together for a while now, they completely in love. Some gay type shit. 

"We doing good, she my life, and recently I found out she's pregnant so we funna be having a family soon" he said taking an apple from the fruit basket on the table.

"Aye my dawg having a jiit on the way.  Boy our girl?" I asked him then he took a bite of the apple

"Boy" he said crunching on the apple.

"That's wassup" I said putting my feet up on the table.

"So how's your love life?" he asked and I smiled at the thought.

I thought about Promise right quick.  She knows exactly what to say , she the first girl to ever make me laugh as hard as my niggas do, she keep things real as fuck with me , she fly , her body is banging and I'm just waiting to get mines on hers , and her face and her smile are gorgeous. Promise is the type of girl I wanna wife up , so I'm planning on telling her that I want to meet her dad. I know we not on that stage yet especially since it's only been 3 weeks , almost a month. But they way she got me feeling already lets me know that she real special.

Promise POV

After running some errands with my dad , he dropped me off home as he went to his station to tidy things up.

I then texted Ke'Shawn telling him imma be over at his place in about an hour. I placed my phone on my counter , then went to the bathroom to take a long warm bath.

I was sore from walking all day in the stores with my dad. I had to go with him today to get some things for his station so he can make me feel comfortable when I go visit the place. I didn't see what was the point though cause I was only visiting for one day , but I'm not complaining.

As I let the water run , I grabbed my VS bubble soap and poured it into the tub. I tied my hair in a high messy bun then went into the tub when the water was high enough. I blasted Nicki Minaj on the radio as I sat in the tub.

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