Chapter 40

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Promise POV.

The drive home was hella awkward. A lot of gay babies were born in that 45 minute drive we just did. We stopped at a gas station to grab something to eat for the rest of the drive home.

"Aye you want anything to smash on while we on the road ma?" Keshawn asked me through the window as I stayed in the car.

I shook my head with discourage.

"Na I'm fine" I said dryly.

"Yeah I'm still finna get you something" he said

I simply shrugged.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asked as he opened the car door and sat next to me.

"I don't even know....Nothing is gonna be the same Shawn, everything is screwing up and there's nothing to do about it. We can't bring Devin back to life, my dad hates me and Honest has officially gone to the other side..." I said burying my face into my hands.

"Everything's going to be okay baby girl , I promise you.. I'll be back with the snacks" he said as he got out the car.

I sighed as I picked my feet up and laid effortlessly on the car seat. I shut my eyes slowly until I dozed off.


I woke up from the loud knocking coming from outside and rubbed my eyes. I seen it was my dad and looked out the car window confused.

I seen him mouthing telling me to come out the car. I did as told then stood in front of him.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"I want you to get the hell up out my house or else" he said pointing the gun at me.

I stood there in shock. Never have I thought my own father would pull a gun out on me.

"Hey! Enough of this ,. I'm getting tired of you Spank!" Keshawn said standing in front of me.

"Boy , get the hell up out my face. Don't temp me to pull this damn trigger" My dad said furiously.

"What the fuck you want from me Spank!" Keshawn yelled.

"I want you dead! First you Mac up my daughter and took her from me then get her knocked up!" My dad yelled back making me looked confused as ever.

"What?! I'm not pregnant !!" I yelled at him.

Both of them looked at me crazy.

"What you mean girl? You 2 weeks pregnant with my child" Keshawn said making me drop my jaw.

Pregnant? I couldn't be!

"I really shouldn't have let you see another day when I found out about you two" my dad said pointing the gun at Keshawn's head.

"Can you guys please stop!" I yelled stepping in between them.

"I'll give you by midnight to take all your shit and for the both of you to never show y'all damn faces ever in my presence or else" My dad said putting his gun in his back pocket.

"That's a threat?" Keshawn asked raising his eyebrows.

"Call it what you want" My dad said jumping into the car and drove off leaving us high and dry in the streets.

I fell down onto my ass and just busted out in tears. Please let this just be a dream....


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