Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

* Jaquan's picture to the side *

Ke'Shawn P.O.V

It was finally Friday and everybody was ready for the weekend. All through the hallways all you hear is people buzzing about the party. My homeboy bring the liquor and the weed. I heard people don't know what goes down at these get together's because the Seniors keep it a secret , so we tryna make this one fye.

I was posted up on the lockers with two of my homeboys , then my girlfriend came up to me. "Ke'Shawn why haven't you called me ?'' she asked and I shrugged "Man I called you once but you ain't never answered" I said and she folded her arms "Once Ke'Shawn ?" she asked with an attitude and a raised eyebrow "Yes Tania , I was guessing that you would've seen the call and called me back , cause that's what normal people do" I said and she rolled her eyes while my two homeboys were cracking up "Man whatever but I missed you baby" she said hugging my waist and trying to kiss me and I kissed her back. I swear she don't know what she want. I love this girl , but she keep leaving me and coming back to me. I really don't know what's her problem.

As Tania was talking to my homeboy , I noticed that cute girl in my 7th period walking past with that girl she always with. I think her name is Promise. I remember back then , she wasn't that cute but now she stepped her game up all the way. More swag , more booty , and she got rid of those glasses and that ponytail she wore everyday. "Ke'Shawn !" Tania yelled interrupting my thoughts "Huh ?" I asked "Let's go man" she said holding out her hand and then I grabbed it and we walked off


Promise P.O.V

After school I went to Diamond's house , so I can help her pack up her clothes. I laid on her bed texting Jaquan while she packed up her clothes. "Damn I wish you and your brother were twins" Diamond said making me laugh "Why ?" I asked "Cause man , he would've came to the get together , if he's there , it would've made my night" she said day dreaming and I just shook my head "You tripping" I said "Man your brother is fine as hell" she said "Even if he did came , he would not let me do shit , he's so overprotective" I said sitting up "Cause he loves you P" she said. I know my brother tries to keep me protective and all of that , and I love him for that but sometimes a girl need space.

After the full on conversation we were having Diamond was still stuck between on what she wanted to wear. I don't know why she so confused , she got a whole load of clothes. We both do , shopping is our number one thing. After helping her pick out a few outfits, she packed all the stuff she need for the weekend and we were on our way to my house.


When we reached my house , my dad was finally home. We went to the living room where he was watching football. "Hey daddy , how was work ?" I asked kissing his cheek and sitting next to him. "It was good , thanks to my worker Shawn" he said

"Who's that ?" I asked

"He a boy that works for me , he about your age" he said

"Ooo I want to meet your workers , and see everything that goes down in your office" I said and he shook his head

"I cant sweetie , if I put you in the same room as those workers they funna be drooling all over you and imma have to kill em all" he said making me laugh

"Then take me when their not there" I said and he smiled

"Yea one day , and one day only" he said and I smiled

"Alright dad, oh and I'm not going to be here tomorrow morning , so dont be worried" I said and he nodded his head

"Alright P , be careful" he said

"I will" I told him walking away and then I saw that Diamond was in the kitchen spitting game to Trey , I just shook my head and went to her and pulled her by her arm

"Let's go girl" I said

"Oh , bye Trey !" she said and we went upstairs.

When we reached up to my room , we decided to just go straight to sleep. We have to wake up at 8:OO tomorrow. Yes , the fun begins , Saturday morning and ends Sunday night. It's going to be a hell of a weekend.

"I think your brother feeling me a little" Diamond said while she was scrolling down instagram. "Why you think that ?" I asked while brushing my teeth "I don't know, just the way he looks at me" she said smiling and I shook my head and laughed "You is a mess D" I said while goggling the water in my mouth and spitting it in the sink. Then she started laughing , probably at a text. "Who making you laugh like that girl ?" I asked getting on the bed and covering myself "Oh Jaquan , he is a mess" she said still laughing and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow "What ?" she asked "Nothing , it's just that I was wondering if you ever thought about dating Q" I said and she looked at me as if I was crazy and she started busting out laughing but I was dead ass serious. "What ? What's wrong with Q ?" I asked , which I already knew the answer too . Jaquan is hella fine. He's about 5'10 or 5'11 , caramel skin , wiz khalifa hairstyle , tattoos , swag on point , and he funny as hell.

"Girl they ain't nothing wrong with Q , it's just that he's like family , and I admit I had feelings for him first time I met him but he already had a girl and plus I was introduced to your brother" she said with her wicked smile and I shook my head as I picked up my phone and scrolled down instagram. As I scrolled down I saw a picture of Ke'Shawn and his homeboys. I double tapped it and kept on scrolling "You know Ke'Shawn might not bring his girl this weekend ?" Diamond asked "Why not ?" I asked while my eyes were still locked on my phone "I don't know but theirs your chance P" she said making me blush "How do I approach him ?" I asked and she looked at me with a smirk "Just start a conversation with him Promise , trust me on this , you need to break outta your shell" she said making me think about it , maybe I should , it never hurts to try.

Ke'Shawn Miller will be mines soon.

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