Hurt and Comfort

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Miguel's POV

"I didn't mean to worry you." I finally whispered. "I was just so focused on finding a way to keep playing music, that I completely forgot about everything else. I didn't—didn't mean for everything to go so wrong."

"Ay, Mijo. I don't blame you." Mi papá gave me a tight squeeze, before letting me go. "Am I disappointed in you for ignoring our family's rules? Yes. But the blame can't lie entirely with you." He grimaced, his mustache bristling.

"We should have noticed that you were running off. Granted, we were busy with baby Coco these last three months, but something tells me your interest in music changed to obsession long before she was born." Mi papá gave me a small smirk, and I grinned sheepishly back at him.

"I will neither confirm nor deny that," I responded with a nervous chuckle. "As I get the feeling I'm already in a bit of trouble for the whole disappearing thing."

"Yes, we will have to talk about your punishment for that as well." He affirmed, making me cringe slightly. "But back to your story."

I could feel my heart start to beat faster, thudding almost painfully against my ribs.

"I want to believe you. I do." Mi papá emphasized, grabbing my shoulders. "I just—I need a few days to—to process it all, okay? And in the meantime, I need you to stay in this...this realm, alright?"

I frowned, opening my mouth to argue—

"Even if everything you did say was true—" he continued, cutting me off. "La Tierra de los Muertos was made for dead people. Who knows how dangerous it is to just go walking down the street there? And what if someone tries to kidnap you? Or, or experiment on you? How could you hope to fight against someone who can't be hurt?" Mi papá questioned, his voice harsh but filled with worry as well.

"I—I would have gotten help..." I trailed off, dropping my head. "But I do see your point." I admitted, shivering against my will. "I do not want to be a skeleton anytime soon."

Mi papá put his finger under my chin, lifting my head. I looked up, surprised to see a small smile on his face. He ruffled my hair gently, and I groaned, trying to arrange the strands back into place. 'I know it wasn't the neatest already, but still. Sometimes I think he knows just how long it takes for me to fix my hair after he messes with it, and then musses it up anyways.'

Mi papá sat back down on the bed, tugging me into his lap with the hand he still had on my shoulder. Grumbling, I tried to break free from his octopus-like grip, but gave up when he only held me more firmly.

"¡Papá!" I whined, dragging out the word. "Let me gooooo." I whined, leaning my head back onto his chest with a huff. "I want to go do something. I'm bored." I complained, giving him my best puppy eyes.

Mi papá smirked. "We could go lend a hand in the workshop. I'm sure they would love help making shoes!"

I flinched, immediately realizing my mistake. "Ya know, when you put it like that...the bed is so nice and comfy, I think we should just stay here and sit for a while. A good, long while. Maybe even forever!" I proposed in a cheerful tone, my smile so big it hurt.

He laughed. "You changed your mind quicker than tu mamá changed moods when pregnant with Coco." He commented dryly. "One of these days we'll find you a job in the workshop that you like, just you wait."

"Maybe I could just serenade the customers while they get their feet measured." I suggested, figuring it was better than outright destroying his hope. "Just picture it! People would come from miles around to get not only the best shoes in the world, but an entertaining performance as well."

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