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Miguel's POV

"I wish to be with Mamá Imelda."

I closed my eyes for a moment, only opening them when I could see a growing light behind my eyelids. This time, though, I noticed it was different. It was a radiant glow, the swirling combination of silver and gold all I could see around me; it was absolutely mesmerizing. The closest thing I could possibly describe it to was a picture of the Milky Way galaxy our teacher had shown us at school, but even that couldn't compare to its beauty.

As the light became too bright for my eyes, I closed them once more. My stomach felt strange, but this time it was more like the feeling you get when going down a hill really fast. My clothes were shifting in the wind that came with the glow, and I abruptly realized that I was still holding onto not only the foto, but Papá Héctor as well, even if I couldn't see him through the light.

The brightness eventually faded, and I blinked rapidly to get rid of the remaining spots. My dead family loudly greeted me, especially when they noticed who I brought back with me. This time, it appeared we were in what must have been the living room, which contained two large, dark brown couches, along with a huge armchair in the same shade. The wooden floor looked worn, as if it was rather old, and the beige walls were covered in black and white fotos. There was no television, but there was a gigantic radio in the corner of the room, and a dial telephone on a coffee table wedged between the two couches.

Mamá Imelda immediately jumped off the couch and raced over to us, capturing Papá Héctor in her arms. She hugged him so hard that he looked like he was going to break a rib! Papá Héctor's eyes widened much at the loving display, I was worried they would pop out! He seemed paralyzed at her reaction, but slowly wrapped his arms around her as well, a small smile forming on his face. I grinned fondly at them as they lovingly held each other, glad he was safely back home, even though I'd miss having him in my room.

"Oh, Héctor! I thought you were gone for good!" She laid her head down on his chest for a moment, before pushing herself out of his embrace.

"If you ever worry me like that again, I'll kill you myself!" She shrieked, wagging a bony finger at him. To a stranger, she may have looked at the man like Papá Héctor had just tried to steal her purse, but I knew differently. Mamá Imelda's eyes spoke volumes, showing relief and happiness, even as she continued to scold Papá Héctor for leaving her with no note or heads up.

"I swear, Imelda, I didn't do it on purpose! Miguel, he—"

"I know, and I don't care! No more leaving! Period!" She huffed, falling back down onto the couch.

"Glad you're back, Héctor!" Tía Rosita squealed.

"Yes! Even if—" Tío Felipe began.

"You're a little worse for wear." Tío Oscar gestured to the small cracks on Papá Héctor's skull.

It was then that it sunk in what had happened. "You're a skeleton again!" I cried.

Papá Héctor immediately looked down at his hands, before feeling his face. "I am!" He exclaimed. He looked happy to be back to normal, but perhaps also a little bit sad that he was just bones again.

"But what happened to you, Miguel?" Tío Oscar pointed at me, seemingly alarmed by the blood on my face.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I looked to the wall in a daze, brushing my hand against the scratch gently. I stared at myself in the glass covering one of the fotos. The cut looked like it had started to scab over, but there were lines of dried blood that ran down all the way to my neck. I knew it was my reflection I was seeing in the cover of a foto of Tía Rosita and Papá Julio, but...I looked much more roughed up than I had when I started the day.

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