¿Papá Héctor?

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I know most people don't read this, and it sometimes annoys me when half the chapter is this huge long author's note, so I'll keep it short. If you like it, please comment or vote:)

Miguel's POV

"¿Papá Héctor?" I stared at the human figure sitting on the floor in front of me. Rubbing my eyes, I wondered if this was another twisted dream, or if my brain was more damaged by Jake than I thought.

"Miguel?" Papá Héctor stood up shakily as he inspected his skin-covered hands in awe, before looking back at me with a smile on his face.

I grinned at him, a slightly hysterical laugh coming out of my mouth against my will. 'He...he's really here. He's here!' I shot off my bed, jumping into his arms. He caught me and twirled me around as we both cheered joyously, glad to see each other again.

He set me down, but I clung to him tightly, refusing to let him go again. He must have felt similarly, because he gripped me firmly in his own arms, which I could not help but notice were much warmer than they were a week or so ago. Our hug lasted for what must have been minutes, but felt like seconds, before I pulled away to get a better look at him.

I inspected the face I'd only seen in photos, the one with a large nose, bushy eyebrows, and ears that could rival an elephants. As I looked him over, I realized he was wearing different clothing from when I'd last seen him. He had on a red long-sleeved shirt with neater-looking brown pants, though they were small on him, as they didn't quite reach his feet.

"How...how is this possible? How are you here?" I couldn't stop staring at him, trying to process the fact that somehow my century dead tatarabuelo was somehow in my room and looked to be alive again.

'And only a few years older than Abel, too.' I mentally noted, taking in his lack of gray hairs and wrinkles. 'He could pass as my cousin, maybe even my brother!'

"I...I don't know. One minute I was laying down in bed and Imelda and I were talking...well, more so her telling me what had happened after we sent you home, and I passed out. Actually, I just woke up for the first time today. What a surprise it was to wake up to Pepita's big face right above me!" Papá Héctor shook his head, shuddering at the memory, and I laughed as I imagined how he must have reacted.

"So anyways, I was in bed one moment with Imelda mentioning how I needed new shoes, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground in front of your bed!" Papá Héctor motioned to the wood boards underneath us, scratching his shaggy mane of hair in bewilderment.

I sniffled slightly, and Papá Héctor's head whipped back around to focus on me. "Are you sick, Chamaco?" He kneeled on the ground to get a better look at me in the dark, feeling my forehead with the back of his hand.

I saw his eyes widen as he took in what I looked like, after what had been a spectacularly awful day. I pursed my lips, knowing that I probably looked more dead than he did based on what I had seen in the school's bathroom mirrors earlier.

"Were...were you crying, Miguelito?" His voice was gentle and laced with concern. I found my eyes becoming wet again again as I realized I'd missed this. I'd missed having someone there for me, that I could talk to if I had a problem, or if I just wanted a hug. Someone to tell me that it'd be alright, and that they loved me. I knew those were stupid and childish desires, but I couldn't help myself from wanting them as I practically threw myself at the man I'd only known for a night. Tears poured down my cheeks as I clutched the back of his shirt, desperately hoping he wouldn't shove me away.

He hugged me for a few minutes, before picking me up, holding me gently in his arms as I brought my hands in front of me once more, fisting them into the material of his shirt. I lay my head against his chest, breathing in the comforting scent of old wood and leather that clung to the fabric. I closed my eyes, trying to slow down my erratic breathing.

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