Hope yet

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Uh...hi? Sorry it's been so long. I could give you a whole bunch of excuses like school and being sick and stuff, but if I'm being honest I wasn't entirely sure how to write this chapter. I've spent hours trying to get it just right, and i think this is the best it's ever going to get. So enjoy, and please review:)

Miguel's POV

"What are we going to do?" I couldn't keep the despair out of my voice. 'Sure, my family may not have been the kindest lately, but that doesn't mean I don't ever want to see them again!'

I ran my hands through my hair, trying to calm down. "Maybe there's another way I can get back." I suggested, my eyes widening with my growing hope. "Maybe I can cross the bridge!"

Mamá Imelda shook her head with a wince. "The bridge only appears once a year." She said. "And that won't be for over three-hundred days from now!"

"There must be some way!" I insisted, wiping at the tears falling down my cheeks. Crying wasn't going to help anyone right now, and I was determined to be useful for once.

'I have to concentrate! Maybe there's some other way I can go back...' I took a deep breath, forcing myself to relax. I took more breaths until I finally felt in control, the silence of the hallway helping immensely.

Looking up, I saw Mamá Imelda pacing as she muttered quietly, flicking her fingers like she was discarding errant ideas. I knew she was trying to think of a way to send me back, and I also knew I should be trying to focus on that as well. However, watching her being so serious now, I couldn't help but remember the foto on the ofrenda that we put up every year, the one with her, Papá Héctor, and Mamá Coco—

"That's it!" I pumped a fist into the air, a large grin breaking out across my face.

"What? Have you figured out a way to get back home?"

She spoke so fast I could barely understand what she was saying, but I nodded, leaning forward in my excitement. "You take the stuff off of the ofrenda and bring it back here, right?"

Mamá Imelda's eyebrows scrunched up. "Sí. But how would that help you?"

"If you took a foto, I can use that to get back home!" I elaborated, hoping she'd make the connection.

Mamá Imelda seemed mystified for a moment more, before it suddenly dawned on her, and she smiled down at me. "We can use my foto! Coco is still alive, so if you wish to be with her—"

"Exactly!" I said, relieved that we had a plan. "Where is it?"

Her eyes trailed to the stairs. "It should be down in the workshop; I like to look at it every once in a while. It's sometimes hard, not having her here. I miss her more than—" Mamá Imelda cut herself off with a sigh, biting her lip.

I smiled, imagining how hard it must be for her. "It's alright, Mamá Imelda. I understand. I still have vague memories of when Mamá Coco knew me for me, when I was younger."

I blinked back more tears, trying to hold onto the feeling of hope. "Most days now she confuses me with Papá Julio. I know it's because of her old age, and I know the chances of her memory getting better are slim, but I still pray for her to remember better every night." I confessed, my mind wandering to the days when I would sit on Mamá Coco's lap, and she would read me stories.

I almost flinched at the feeling of Mamá Imelda's arms wrapping around me. "It's alright, Miguel. One day, a long way away from now, you'll come here, and she'll be here too. Then, we can all enjoy each other's company again." She reassured me, patting my back.

"Or..." I pulled back from the hug, practically bouncing on the balls of my feet. "I can visit you guys here! Since I have these cool powers now!" I exclaimed.

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