Gone is our god

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Gone is the god who saves, gone is he who condemns. Gone is the god who made the rules and banished the snake. Gone is the god who claimed love, but instead punished.

For god is dead.

And god does not live in the church.

But what is there?

Are the pagan deities there?

The pagan gods are there if you ask, and will always watch. For they have been around longer than we know.

And of the Fae?

Do not trust the fae. For the fae trick and twist words. They may not be lying, but the truth is far from the syllables that fall from their lips. The Faerie are tricky folk, they will steal you away, they will amaze, and bewilder, and enchant, until you are theirs.


Whoa, what brought that on you may ask? I've been dreaming. You all should know how dangerous dreams can be. Especially involving the fae.

Three at the minimum, involving the faerie. No idea how this will go but I will remain weary.

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