ch. 5 // another kiss

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"I've got some time I'm abusing, change my mind if you ever switch it up."


Chat Noir/Adrien POV:

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Here." I say grabbing the box off of her desk.

"Test what you would say to him on me." I say handing her the small green box.

"It's gonna be easy on you, but the second I see him it's not gonna come out right."

"Then pretend I'm him, close your eyes and imagine him standing infront of you." I say.

Marinette nods her head and shuts her eyes. "Okay. Boy who's name I won't say. Happy Valentine's Day I got you this." She hands me the box.

"Thank you Marinette, but you didn't have to get me anything." I say pretending to open the box. "Wow this is great Marinette!"

"I'm glad you like it. There is something I've been meaning to tell you. I love you. I've loved you since the first day we met and I saw how amazing you truly are. I know I stutter around you and act stupid and say crazy things but it's because I'm in love with you." She stops and opens her eyes. "Chat I don't think this is gonna work."

''What do you mean you were doing great? You just lack confidence. Believe in yourself!"

"It would just be so random if I say I love you. I never act flirty with him or anything. It would completely catch him off guard. We just act like friends. This is just dumb, forget it."

"Hm, well I can help you flirt I guess. I do it all the time with Ladybug." I say with confidence.

"Yeah and how has that been going for you?" she says with a smirk and a laugh.

"You have no room to talk. You are 16 years old and don't know how to flirt!" I say as my comeback.

"Shut up and help me."

"Fine. Okay well, start with complimenting him. Test it on me."

"Ew I don't have anything to compliment you on." she says with a nose scrunch.

"One ouch, and two pretend I'm him then."

"Your hair looks really nice today." She says with a smile.

"Good, you can also use teasing jokes to your advantage. Don't need to test that one though you're good at making fun of people." I say.

"I don't make fun of people, I just make fun of you." She says crossing her arms.

"You know teasing is a form of flirting. Are you flirting with me Marinette?" I say putting my finger in her face.

"In your dreams." She slaps my hand out of the way. "Thank you for trying to help me. Maybe I'll actually try some of this tomorrow." She says giving me a hug.

"No problem you always have me Mari." I say hugging her so tight her feet lift off the ground.

"Your gonna kill me! Let. Go. I can't breathe!"

"So you wanna watch a movie?" I ask releasing her from my arms.

"Sure. Do you like ice cream?"

"I love ice cream!"

Marinette POV:

I had a really great time with Chat last night. We watched like 5 Disney movies and he let me braid his hair and he ended up falling asleep. I had to wake him up at 1am when I realized how late it was getting. He left and I sent him home with more cookies. That cat is a glutton I swear.

We are good friends, at least I would consider him one. I feel like I can tell him anything. As our superhero selves we never have time to talk and mess around but as Marinette and Chat we have the best time.

But today I have to kiss Adrien AGAIN. Why do Romeo and Juliet have to kiss to much.

I'm also gonna try to flirt with him. And hopefully it doesn't come out like a train wreck. That way leading up to Valentine's day TOMORROW, I can be more comfortable and it won't be so out of the blue.

- At School -

"Girl you're on time today! For the first time in forever." Alya says nudging me with her elbow.

"Yeah haha, I actually went to bed at a decent time for once." I say rolling my eyes at her.

"Hey dudes what up?'' Nino says walking up to us with Adrien trailing behind.

"Marinette you're here on time?" Adrien says.

Play it cool Mari just like Chat helped you with, I think to myself.

"Haha yeah, are you ready for the rest of the play today?" I say.

Omg I didn't stutter. It worked. Maybe Chat was helpful.

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun yesterday. Speaking of, can I talk to you? In private?" Adrien says putting his hand on my shoulder.

He wants to talk about the kiss. Oh no. Stop it. Be confident Mari!

"Uhm sure let's go in the locker room." I say.

We walk to the locker room and see Kim and Alix leave. Great it's empty, and IM ALL ALONE WITH ADRIEN!

"So Mari, Nino said something about how you, definitely liked but didn't like, but hated but didn't hate kissing me."

"I don't even know what that means." I say laughing.

"Haha me neither, that's why I wanted to ask you." Adrien says.

OMG I made him laugh with out falling on my face! If only Chat could see me right now, he'd be proud.

"I had neutral feelings about the kiss ya know. It was just a kiss, we are just friends right?" I say in response.

"Yeah! Of course we are friends, you're one of the best friends I've ever had!" He says. "But can we kiss again? Like now. For practice."

"Huh, we are gonna have to kiss in class in like 30 minutes for the next scene. Why would we do it now?" I say confused.

Why is he asking to kiss me again. I'm not complaining this is just so random.

"Just for practice ya know." he says with a smile.

"Uhm sure I guess." I say. This is literally the strangest thing ever. Is this real or am I dreaming? SOMEONE PINCH ME!


next chapter is gonna be a good one. i'll prob update in the next two days ;)

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