ch.6 // the locker room

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"Cause when I'm kissing you my senses come alive.
Almost like the puzzle piece I've been trying to find."

Adrien's POV:

"Hey dudes what up?'' Nino says walking up to the girls.

Since when does Marinette come to school on time? I guess Chat Noir is having good influence on her.

"Marinette you're here on time?" I say.

"Haha yeah, are you ready for the rest of the play today?" She responds.

That's like the first time she hasn't fallen to the ground or stuttered when she talks to me. What's going on?

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun yesterday. Speaking of, can I talk to you? In private?" I say putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Uhm sure let's go in the locker room." She says.

- In The Locker Room -

"So Mari, Nino said something about how you, definitely liked but didn't like, but hated but didn't hate kissing me." I say. That was the most confusing sentence ever.

"I don't even know what that means." She says with a laugh.

She still hasn't stuttered,I guess Chat Noir brings out the best in Marinette.

"Haha me neither, that's why I wanted to ask you." I say.

She looks me in the eyes, "I had neutral feelings about the kiss yeah know. It was just a kiss, we are just friends right?"

Those eyes again, they're so beautiful they are distracting me until I remember to respond.

"Yeah! Of course we are friends, you're one of the best friends I've ever had!" I say.

I wanna kiss her again not in class. Just the two of us. I wanna see if it has the same spark. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Even as Chat last night I couldn't stop looking at her lips thinking about what it felt like to kiss her. I don't know what has gotten into me.

"But can we kiss again? Like now. For practice."

I say practice to cover it up but its more like research.

"Huh, we are gonna have to kiss in class in like 30 minutes for the next scene. Why would we do it now?" She says confused.

Crap, she doesn't wanna do it.

"It's just for practice ya know." I say with a smile this is so random.I don't wanna force her.

"Uhm sure I guess." She says with a shrug.

Ok here it goes.

I pull her in by her waist as she wraps her arms around my shoulder area. And boom we kiss. Lightning shoots from my lips through my neck, down to my toes and my fingers. It's happening again. My body feels full of energy, everything feels perfect. Our lips have a mind of their own, this is now more than a simple peck. I feel like I can't control what my lips are doing. But it feels great. Then the bell rings AGAIN.

She pulls away first, her lips and cheeks are red. She looks at me with her big blue eyes.  

*Adrienette shippers shriek with joy lol*

"Well we gotta go to class now. Buddy." She says with a smirk and punching me in the arm laughing as she walks out of the locker room.

Did she just called me buddy. Oh god that was pay back for the "dude" thing.

As I walk to class I can't help but think, why did I just make out with Marinette? She is my friend, and Ladybug is the love of my life. Or will be after Valentines day. I forgot I have to pick up some stuff after school for Ladybug when I see her tomorrow...

"Duude!" Nino says interrupting my thoughts. "What did you have to talk to Marinette about alone" he says with a smirk.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to ask her about.. the rest of the play." I quickly spit out something random. I don't wanna tell Nino about my crush on Ladybug or if there is something happening for Marinette. Which I doubt, because I'm convinced bugaboo is my soulmate.

We arrive in class and everyone is taking their seats.

"Ok class, we have a change in roles for the play. Mayor Bourgeois would prefer if Chloé played Juliet. I'm sorry Marinette, you will take over Chloé's old part." Miss Bustier says.

Great now I'm stuck kissing Chloé. I see her only like a sister, and I know it's just for a silly play, but I don't like the thought of being in a romantic relationship with her.

- Time Pass -

We started the play again right where we left off. As we continued on we arrived at another kissing scene. Chloe leans all the way in and gives me a kiss.

This one is nothing like when I kissed Mari.

I pull away as quick as I can to make sure it doesn't last long. There was no spark in that kiss. Maybe the spark goes away after a while or maybe the spark only happens with Mari. I wonder why?

When the school day ended and it was time for me to grab somethings I needed to prepare my Valentines gift for Ladybug.I scheduled a patrol with her at 5:30 so we could watch the sunset. And then I will attempt to ask her to be my girlfriend. Again.

Marinettes POV:

"Girl I can't believe Chloé stole your part like that!" Alya says while walking home with me from school.

"I know, I kinda liked kissing Adrien." I say in response.

"Speaking of Adrien, 1. why were you acting normal today around him and 2. what were you talking about in the locker rooommm???"

"I don't really know, I just have this new found confidence. And he asked me about the kiss from last class. And then we kinda sorta... kissed again..." I say with an awkward smile.


"Well it was more like making out. BUT DONT TELL ANYONE!!!" I say looking at my bff.

"Trust me Mari I won't say a thing. My lips are sealed!" she says pretending to zip a zipper across her mouth.

"Good, I finally finished Adrien's gift so I officially have a day off. Wanna get a snack at the juice place?"

"Sure girl, I finished my gifts for Nino too. I got him a new microphone and editing software for him to update his Soundcloud mixes. Not the most romantic but at least I know he will like it."


sorry it took so long to update guys :/ i promise i'll be more consistent and thank you for all the support it means so much 💓💓

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