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Ahem....hi hello (omg I'm in front of royalty-calm down bitch)...anyways this a list of authors I'm currently obsessed with and immensely proud of their amazing talent and work.

-Amazing writer
-Literally binged Cursed Fate and Bound by Blood (i love the new baby girl wish it didnt end)
-What else should I say the name says it all they are a Queen amongst peasants like me lol

-Literally obsessed with your aesthetic
-I binged your most of all your books
-Updates on bloom and baby bring a smile immediately to my face

-Tbh I'm not even sure you are still on here after this app deleted some of your stuff
-But you are an old obsession I loved all of your books but I'm too lazy to switch to A03

-I literally ducking love your aesthetic and I followed you just cause of it

-Love your writing
-Flower garden is my everything
The fluff makes me so happy on the inside and sad bc I'm going to be forever alone

Kiddo is also my everything when the notification comes it immediately brightens my day

Devil's Queen is also one the babies I hold near pls update whenever you have time
When i saw the latest update i literally danced in my seat for like two minutes before clicking on it

(I know there is a trend you don't have to point it out but to show im not a basic bitch here are a few more)

-Oh my fuck are you amazing you really didn't have to do Envy like that in CSoS but I love you anyway
-Im not even close to done with Psychopaths or Supernaturals but I'm getting there
-literally your stuff should be published if it is.. go you get that shmoney babe!!

-You. Are. Phenomenal.
-I think i binged all of your series up to skyfall in like a week and a half
-you should publish real talk
-The whole family tree is so cute but its kind of hard reading everyone as grown up with grandkids and shit when i remember when they were babies themselves like how do you do it
-Also why the fuck did Kia and Killian have to wait so long to get together. that gave me gray hairs like you wouldn't believe.. like kiss, fuck, get married, and have kids already, but i still loved every second of it
And lastly...

-You my good sir or ma'am or whatever the hell you wanna be called are my newest obsession
-I applaud your ways of finishing and successfully wrapping up yo stories bc i could even finish one of mines
-I just finished beast within along with maybe 5 of the other ones
-Im intrigued with stranded and wondering if you'll update it (i hope you do)
(Last updated 4/20/2021 @ 12:16 a.m.)

New Entries:
-hello my darling baby bean (can i call you that? Ill delete it if you're uncomfy)
-i doubt you'll see this with the millions of notifs you get but 🤷🏽‍♀️
-you are now forever commemorated in this Author Hall of Fame bc you are an amazing writer and you bring me happiness through your words
-I have read up till the last update on freckles and csn i say that this book is hilarious and was the reasons for many smiles and laughs in the last week or so
-so much so i thought someone would ask me what i was smiling so wide for
- you are a beautiful human being (idk why specimen keeps coming to mind maybe its bc i just cant believe  there wasn't some sort of tampering to make someone so perfect)
- Anyways thank you for making my day better with your talent and you can add me as one of the people that admire you
- since you always remind us make sure to drink lots of water and get you a snack bc you deserve it
- wish you the best life can give
-ahaha 😬 yours is significantly longer than everyone else's but its ok
(6/14/2021 @ 6:53 p.m.)

Overall thank you to ALL of you for making my day brighter with your talent and imagination hope you the best in life. Love you whores *mwah* :D

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