Friends 🤗

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Hey everyone

I hope you are good.

Let's get started with new part

Lovely reading ❤

Same day at evening

At out 🏡

Sanskar came to meet swara to say sorry to her for his rude behavior.

Ragini who was sitting in garden saw Sanskar, so she went to him and asked

Ragini-sanskar,what happened??

Sanskar- actually ma'am I came here to meet swara.

Ragini-Oh,come with me.

Both entered inside the house.

Ragini- Swaru, where r u??

Swara-Ragu I'm in kitchen

Ragini-(moving towards kitchen along with Sanskar asked)what are you doing in kitchen?

Swara-Ragu I'm dancing in kitchen.

Both Sanskar and Ragini chuckled with her answer.

Swara-Pagal I'm preparing coffee for u 3 aunties and boost milk for me 😝😝😝

Ragini-(reached kitchen & said) swara u monkey,we 3 are aunties huh and u r a small kid wait.

Swara-Started laughing

Sanskar forgot to breath after seeing swara in kitchen and lost in her cute smile Ufffff

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Sanskar forgot to breath after seeing swara in kitchen and lost in her cute smile Ufffff

Ragu and swara started to tickle each other and laughed loud suddenly swara's eye fall on Sanskar who was looking lost.

Swara- stopped laughing and asked 😑what is he doing here ragu?

Ragini-he came to meet u swara,u both talk I will go and give this coffee to kavita and Kavya and left the kitchen.

Swara-Why are u here Mr. Maheshwari?

Sanskar-Swara, I'm sorry for the morning incident, I was irritated and I felt that u r blaming me unnecessarily,i am really sorry please forgive me.

Swara-Mr. Maheshwari u don't owe me any kind of answer nor explanation,after all I'm no one to you and u know very well about your well being & all so, I'm no one to forgive u.

Sanskar-Swara, y r u saying this, u r my friend, I got irritated that's y(stopped by swara)

Swara-Mr. Maheshwari, I'm your trainer, so if u fail in my subject I'm answerable to Principal Sir, so please from next time onwards prepare well,thank you now u can go from here(she started to go out.)

Sanskar-(held her hands and came close to her)please swara I'm sorry, I will never do it again.

Swara-lost in his dark brown eyes, both had a cute eyelock which was broken by shivin.

Acrid 💕 to Bliss 💕 Completed✅Where stories live. Discover now