Forgiveness 😓

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Leap of 2 years

In these 2 years many things has changed in Swasan's life, swara who was naughty, bubbly, chirpy is no more of it, she just does her work, talks to her friends and takes care of her Maa,in these 2 years kavita got married to karthik(Shomi selected bridegroom for kavita) and living a happy life even Kavya Also got married to her best friend Akshay,Raglak got engaged and will get marry soon within 2 months, shomi requested swara also to think about her marriage but swara doesn't want to marry,even shomi asked Shivin's hand for swara, bcoz they are best friends and they can lead a happy life but swara never said any answer to shomi about it even Shivin doesn't want to force swara and he wants her to be happy and waiting for her decision.

Sanskar has become more kind hearted, lovable and naughty remembering of his swara, he used to spread happiness every where,but became a lifeless body without his soul & misses swara badly and tried many times to talk to her but she didn't will to talk to him, this made him to feel worst, but promised himself that he will gain her forgiveness and love, yes love he realized that he is madly and truly loves his swara, even through ragini he came to know that swara too loves him, but it's his sin that made a big distance between them, Laksh is still angry on Sanskar and doesn't talk to him.Sujatha also came to know her son's deeds and scolded Sanskar for his stupidity & got a promise from him that he has to bring her back as her dil and his wife and she is very happy that Sanskar really loves swara & prayed to God to get her daughter swara back to her soon.

Swara recently got a job at SM industries as a Soft skills trainer with a well reputed position at Kolkata,but company asked for a contract where she has to work with SM industries for upcoming 5 years and she instantly agreed to it.

A Bright Morning
At SM Industries

Rajat(Quality manager)- Swara is everything ready, our new CEO is gonna come today, we need to update our works and batches details to him.

Swara-Yes, Rajat everything is ready, take a chill pill.

Rajat-Haa okay.

After sometime CEO entered inside the company building and directly went to his cabin, first he took a glimpse of all the accountant works then details of All clients and meetings schedule, after 2 hours he called the team of trainers to talk about employees performance and their improvements.He wanted to talk to trainers individually so that he can test trainers responsibilities and contribution towards their job role. First Rajat and his team one by one went and spoke to their boss.

After an hour it's swara's turn so she went and knocked the door and asked

Swara-May, I come in sir.

CEO-Yes, please.(showing his back to swara)

Swara- Hello sir, I'm the soft skills trainer,my name is Swa(before she could complete)

CEO turned to her and both are looking at each other with shock one with love & another one without any expression.

CEO turned to her and both are looking at each other with shock one with love & another one without any expression

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