Her Breakdown 😭

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Hey everyone

I'm back with new part.

Thank you so much for the lovely response 😘😘😘😘😘 from my lovely readers.

Let's get started

Fabulous reading 💕

Same Night

Swara was unable to sleep,sleep was far away from her eyes, tears are Continuosly falling from her beautiful eyes, she somehow composed herself not to cry in front of Ragini, Kavya and kavita but in heart she is feeling suffocation due to the pain which she got from her love.

Swara-Do u like kavita?

Sanskar-Yes I like kavita

Only these words were ringing in her mind

Slowly swara got up and went to terrace and sat their on the bench.

She was looking all pale and crying a lot.

Swara- Y god, y it's always me, what have I done wrong to you, that u always give me punishments, y always my heart has to get pain, y me, I never thought that the person whom I like will like my sister,am I that much worthless God, don't I deserve love?? what's my fault???😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I have seen him always trying to talk to kavita and also getting close to her, that's y I asked him that question even at beach he was hell concerned for kavita only,i am the one who misunderstood him & thought that he likes me too but no swara don't forget u r never made to get love in ur life, but yes I got my best friends in form of my bacchu and my ragu even Kavya I love them, they are best 😭😭😭😭(looking at moon she says)
Moon uncle see I'm crying, u r happy na cries bitterly 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I thought u r my best buddy but no u r not u don't tell to God to give me some love, I hate u moon uncle 😭😭😭😭but I love u Sanskar,i don't know how but I love u 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Baba u were right I don't deserve love, I'm a cursed child,she remembered her past.


Shekhar-father of swara,he is a spineless man, who doesn't care about anyone in his family after marrying shomi he along with his friends started doing smuggling,drug dealing and all other illegal works, he was just obsessed with drugs,money ,womanizer, but he acted to be good in front of his family to get his dad's property,but all wrong deeds has to come to an end the same thing happened with shekhar after swara's birth,his all illegal works started to fall down and he cursed swara to be unlucky for him, after 3 to 4 years he was totally lost his position from smuggling board.

Swara always tried to get father's love from shekhar but he always ended up by hurting her mentally though shomi & her grandparents love her but seeing her friends being happy with their father & they used to say that their father bought a toy, chocolate and all she missed all those father love & she prayed to get her father's love but she never got it, instead she got only her father's hatred towards even her father came to kill her, that's the most shocking one for her, she always maintained a big distance with boys,she thought all men are same like her father, but Shivin is different, he broke her strong wall in her heart & made an entrance as her best friend only one guy whom she liked.

One fine evening Lil swara of 5 years was playing hide and seek game with kavita suddenly she saw a file under bed and took and started to play with it, deendayal father of shekhar saw that file and shocked to see his son's all deeds and immediately called police and made his son to be arrested.

Shekhar's anger raised and he went to kill Lil swara, bcoz he thought that bcoz of her, he is caught to everyone and she is really unlucky for him and a curse to him.

Lil swara was crying by hugging her maa.

Shekhar-U don't deserve happiness, u r an unlucky child swara,u don't deserve to get anyone's love u r just a curse to me.

I hate you swara.

Police took shekhar and shekhar's words pierced our Lil swara's heart badly but shomi took care of Shona well, but she was unable to remove her so called father's words from her heart bcoz it got imprinted in her heart forever.

Flashback ends

At present

Remembering that incident fresh tears made its way to fall from her eyes,

Do u like kavita

Yes I like kavita

U don't deserve happiness, u r an unlucky child swara,u don't deserve to get anyone's love u r just a curse to me.

I hate you swara.

Yes I like kavita

These words are ringing to her Continuosly she closed her ears to stop those words but cannot and shouted loud leave me leave me ahhhh leave me 😭😭😭😭maaaaaaa

Ragini who came in search of swara saw her shouting by closing her ears got fear and went to her and took her in warm embrace and asked swaru baby what happened.

That's it she breaks down completely, hugged Ragini tight and cries badly.

Swara-ra ragu I I don't deserve love in in my life, I'm I I'm a curse baba was right, I don't don't deserve any any happiness.

Ragini-shocked with her words swara what happened?

Swara-he he likes kav kavita no not me

Ragini-who said to u this?

Swara-san sans Sanskar

Ragini-so what swara, even u like Shivin a lot, does it make that u love Shivin like a life partner no na?

Swara-looked at Ragini being shocked.

Ragini-Listen there is a big difference between like and love, like is contagious to all but love is rigid to only one, who knows maybe he is the only rigid one for u and may be he is just contagious to kavita,don't blame yourself at all, u r baba was a spineless man that's y he said those filthy words to u, tell me one thing swara if Sanskar likes kavita then he would have been today at college to spend time with her but he took leave and came here just to take care of you,y ??did u think about it? Don't loose your hope swara may be he too will reciprocate the same feelings which u have for him, just wait for the right time everything will be good.

Swara-nodded her head with a slight smile understanding how stupid she was thinking all this.

Ragini-lets go inside otherwise u may catch cold.

Both came to room and ragini made swara to sleep and she too lay beside her praying to God to give all the happiness and love which she craves always.

Laksh who came to get a fresh air in terrace stood numb hearing swara and felt bad for her and promised himself that he will make Sanskar to realize his feelings for swara soon.with determination he went back to his room.

Sanskar's room

He was unable to sleep, he was feeling uneasy that someone is very close to him, needs him but he couldn't find y is he feeling restless and unknowingly prayed for swara.

Sanskar's pov-I hope swara is alright, God please take care of my swara.

After sometimes he 😴.

Finally done with this part.

I hope you like it,

None of the pictures are owned by me.

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Lots of love to u
Take care be safe and healthy
🌹 💕

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