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Hey everyone
I'm back with next part💕

Let's get started

Amazing reading 🤗🤗

Shivin took swara to hospital and got her bandaged on her wound.

Doctor-Nothing to worry,she needs to take 3 days bed rest then she will be fine,this is the prescription give this medicines twice in a day.

Shivin-Okay doctor thank you.

While moving to Home.

Swara-Am I that much bad Shivin,ragu?don't I really care for my di?Am I selfish?(badly hurt with Sanskar's word)

Shivin-No Shona, u r not selfish and u r not bad, don't think about his words, u r the most innocent soul in the world, u can never even try to hurt anyone.

Swara-Started to cry badly.

Shivin somehow consoled her and asked Ragu to take care of her and left from the house, he can't see his bestie in this vulnerable state.

Ragu & kavya made swara to have dinner and gave her medicine,due to medicine she slept but tear marks are clearly visible on her pale face.
This made ragu to get rage and she went to Sanskar's house.

Ragini-Sanskar Maheshwari, where are you?(shouted)

Sanskar's and Laksh's parents went to attend marriage function so only these 2 are at home.

Laksh-Who listened Ragini's voice came hurriedly and asked about swara.

Ragini-Plz, Laksh I want to talk to Sanskar.

Sanskar-who listened noise at hall came to see.

Ragini-(Saw Sanskar and came to him)How dare you Sanskar? How can u talk to her like this? do u even know how much she is sensitive and u hurted an innocent soul.

Sanskar-Oh, just shut up Ragini, she is not so innocent as u think,she is really cheap, I am mad that I was liking her but (stopped by Ragini)

Ragini-(roared in anger)
Shut ur filthy mouth Mr. Sanskar maheshwari,otherwise I will forget that u were my friend earlier,and end up doing something really bad to u.

Both sanlak got shocked to see this shade of Ragini.

Ragini dragged Sanskar to their out house and slowly opened the room🚪slightly and made him to see swara's pale face with tear marks on her beautiful face and closed the door slowly.

She took Sanlak to terrace where kavita was sitting and talking on call.

Trio felt weird with kavita's strange behaviour,she was on call but after seeing raglaksan she cut the call.

Ragini-Kavita plz go and take rest.

Kavita-Nodded her head and went down.

Ragini-Sanskar,what is your problem?why do you talk to swara like this?

Sanskar-She deserves it.

Ragini-No, u don't know about her that's y u are saying like this, she has ocean of pain hidden in heart, but pretends to be the happiest one in front of the world,she was getting friendly with u and u r words imprinted badly in her heart Sanskar, I don't know who and what made u to think about my swara like this, but very soon u will regret for accusing my swara.

Laksh-Yes Bhai, Ragini is right, plz whatever misunderstanding u have please clear it out soon before it gets late.

Trio went to their respective places.

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