Chapter 13

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Nobody wants FJ to be a maid and I completely understand where you all are coming from, look how that turned out in both of their version stories but take a leap of faith in me. I have an idea that can turn this particular dynamic quite fun, unrestrained remember?

Zhong Lin was wary when the little princess asked for maid staff clothes.

"Your Highness, Di Jun...." Zhong Lin tries to change the Young princess's mind but as sweet as her tongue was her mind was as determined.

"Zhong Lin no needs to worry, believe me, " Feng Jiu reassure him and took the staff clothes from him and disappeared inside the guest chambers.

Zhong Lin let out a weary sigh. Maybe he should go and inform Di Jun of this plan of the young princess what if he is displeased by this turn of events.
Zhong Lin felt it prudent to go and inform Di Jun.

"Ho?" Dong Hua chuckled.

With Zhong Lin ever composed of surprising expressions one could tell, it was rare for his smile now Dong Hua Di Jun is chuckling.

"Yes, Your Lordship, what you would like me to do, "

"Nothing, Just keep an eye on her, " Di Jun said, his face turning back into the same cold expression.

"Yes, my lord, " Zhong Lin bowed.
Though, Dong Hua wondered what would happen if Bai Yi discovered her? Why such an extreme measure to not come to their own father's eyes.

If Feng Jiu was good at something it was hiding and disguising well, she blended in right with Tai Chen staff, soon she befriended everyone and got particularly close to the maid, who works in the kitchen most of the time and was a foodie just like her, Zhao.

Zhao Was just not a foodie but an excellent cook as well. Feng Jiu with her plain white robes and her birthmark hidden was like another normal girl. Nobody bows when they see her or stare at her phoenix mark. Though her birthmark is her favourite part of her, she still enjoys how officials would just look past her and didn't give a glance.

She was proud of this idea.
Dong Hua leaned into a nearby pillar observing her as she skips in the corridor going towards the kitchen, enjoying herself. Dong Hua gave a small smile and sigh. Zhong Lin comes behind him, looking concerned.

"Di Jun, "


"Do you think it's appropriate to let young highness stay here? If anybody from Qing Qiu finds out, It's not just Qing Qiu's face but what will anybody think about you, my lord "

"Zhong Lin, " Dong Hua said, still looking at the now empty corridor.

"Yes, My Lord, "

"Don't think too much, " Dong Hua turns at Zhong Lin.

"My Lord, " Zhong Lin bowed.

"It's few days, let her be and tell her to....bring me tea, "

"My Lord? " Zhong Lin looked up at him in surprise.

Dong Hua nodded and patted his shoulder twice walking away, Zhong Lin frowned what was happening?

Even mind reader Zhong Lin couldn't tell but the icy weather of Tai Chen palace was shifting.

Feng Jiu stomped her feet as she walked with a tray in hand and entered Di Jun's study. Dong Hua reading a scroll in his hand studying his head resting on his hand. Feng Jiu knocks on the door politely.

"Come in, " Dong Hua gave a glance as she entered and settled his stone eyes back to the scroll.

"Di Jun, Your tea, " She bowed, he nodded but didn't look at her, Feng Jiu narrowed her eyes slightly at his avoiding her, Zhong Lin told her that Di Jun asked her to bring him tea she put the try on the table.

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