Chapter 2

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There is an unsaid feeling between us...


Feng Jiu eyes widen a little in shock.

"Dong Hua Di Jun?" She moved away from his arms, her moments hurting her. Dong Hua just raises his eyebrows at her confused expression. She moved away from him a little bit more but Dong Hua kept his hand on her elbow as her curious expression met his eyes. The truth Dong Hua yet to realize is that he can't look away from her.

"You don't look like the history books," She frowned. that was the last thing he expected to come from her mouth at this moment. the sky was growling and it seems the universe was about to end and Xiao Bai was confused why he doesn't look like history books. Sky thunder angrily making Feng Jiu yelp, as she squeezes her eyes shut Dong Hua finally found himself looking away and back at the bell. Ghost Emperor was successfully unsealing himself, looking at it calculative. Dong Hua looks down at her.

"You stay here, Don't move," He commanded and got up from the ground.

"Crown Prince, I need the spell I won't ask again," Di Jun said, his voice was enough bit someone's flesh off.

Feng Jiu started to recover from the blow and heard him asking for the spell, the truth was she has the spell he was talking about her aunt give her the scroll before she disappeared three hundred years for her high goddess trial but she still finds herself unable to stand up, her knees buckle and she was again on the ground. She wipes the blood she felt of her face, trying to call him.

"Di Jun," Her voice was not strong enough to travel over thunder and High God Mo Yun come in the scene.

"The bell ask for a spirit sacrifice and you can't do that, the whole Universe will be in chaos if anything happens to you," Mo Yun said to Di Jun calmly.

"So what? You plan to sacrifice yourself again, Wasn't one time enough?" Dong Hua asked coldly, he had enough of the threat of this bell looming over this universe. Mo Yun doesn't have enough power to seal it again, his spirit would turn into dust.

As The two High Gods was calmly arguing about who will go and seal the DongHuang Bell, Feng Jiu got up from the ground and try to call Dong Hua again.

"Di Jun!" But still, nobody heard it. Feng Jiu looks at the gigantic bell who red aura was getting darker.

"Di Jun, if you allow me I can go and fight with the Ghost Emperor," Ye Hua said. 

"No!" Bai Qian exclaimed at the same time Mo Yun calmly said "No,"

"There is nothing we can do about it now anyway, the Ghost Emperor is about to get out, I will seal him back," Mo Yun said and started to flee to the bell but Dong Hua's aura wrapped him and pressed his feet back to the ground.

Feng Jiu was looking at the bell anxiously. "Di Jun!" this time she calls him harder but the sky growled louder, she ran to them.

"You are not a child anymore, Listen to me!" Dong Hua's stone eyes widen. High God Mo Yun swallow a little bit too at Dong Hua eyes turn icy.

"I can't, you have more responsibilities than me," Mo Yun argued.

"Di Jun!" Feng Jiu was close, she materializes the scroll in her hand and he still didn't turn back. This time Feng Jiu had enough.

"Dong Hua!" She hit him on the back of his silver hair head with the scroll the act startled  Mo Yun and made Dong Hua turn slowly as he heard his name and felt the wack on his head, nobody in the universe would dare do that. Dong Hua was beliwered at her action and he look at her, she had this adorable scowling face, the might be intended to look vicious but then his eyes saw the scroll in her hand. She thrust it in his hand and he unfolded it.

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