Chapter 15

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"Gugu! GuGu! I am back," Feng Jiu entered the Xiwue Palace, like a storm looking for her aunt everywhere for the maids. It took a second for them to recognize the little princess of Qing Qiu without the royal robes and the phoenix flower, but when they did.

"Stop staring, tell me where Crown Princess Bai Qian is?" Feng Jiu asked urgently.

"Future Crown Princess, I am not married yet," Bai Qian said, Feng Jiu turned to her aunt with a grin hearing her voice.

"GuGu!" Feng Jiu hugged her tightly.

"Where were you? I had to look for you from the netherworld to nine heavens," Bai Qian said, not embracing her back.

"I know, and I am sorry but things happened one after another and I lost track of time, I will go to Qing Qiu first thing tomorrow to prepare for my coronation ceremony, I promise," Feng Jiu release her and eagerly try to appease Bai Qian, who eyes got soften a little but she kept her expression hard.

"Hmm, so do you remember that you are about to be the Queen of the East Lands?" Bai Qian turned away from her, and Feng Jiu looked down feeling a tad bit of guilt.

"GuGu," She protested in a low voice.

"In other circumstances, I have never said anything about your playful ways but you have to start taking responsibility, you have not appeared by now. I would have to disguise myself as you," Bai Qian sat down calmly and poured tea, Feng Jiu couldn't help but grin and sat besides hugging her tightly, Gugu was always there to save her.

"GuGu is the best!" She suppressed her giggles of glee.

"But now since you are decent enough to appear when there is need, I would like you to make good on your promise and leave for Qing Qiu to prepare for your weapon hiding ceremony," Bai Qian patted on her arms and finally gave her a smile.

"I will," Feng Jiu nodded obediently.

"And don't forget your father might be ready with a stick to beat you up and the most eligible marriage contract in all the realms to marry you off," Bai Qian warned.

"Don't worry,GuGu," Feng Jiu sat straight and thought about what she had planned for tonight, it filled her stomach with excited tingles. Bai Qian frowned to see her niece in glee but this was not the mischievous one that she normally had, it was different.

"Xiao Jiu, what is going on in your little foxy head?" Bai Qian asked. Feng Jiu claps her hand in front looking down trying to hide her smile and her cheeks tinted pink, her eyes sparkling.

"I have decided I will tell Dijun that I like him, tonight!" Feng Jiu grinned at Bai Qian. Bai Qian came to halt seeing the intensity of these dark sparkling fox eyes; it seems her feelings for the former master of the universe were deeper than she thought. It also means she was in Tai chen palace all this while,

"You were in Tai Chen palace all this while were you not?" Bai Qian asked, Feng Jiu nodded.

"How did you manage to hide not just from me but Dong Hua Di Jun?" Bai Qian asked.

"Why would I hide from him?" Feng Jiu frowned innocently blinking why her aunt would think that it would be easy to hide in her original form in Tai Chen palace all by herself, Dong Hua Di Jun would have recognized her in an instant, she is good at hiding but she is not sure of her ability that far.

"Then how come nobody knew you were there?" Bai Qian arch her eyebrow resting her elbow on the armrest

"But...Di Jun knew, he was the one who told me to stay there and even gave me the guest room," Feng Jiu answered.

"What?" Bai Qian stood straight in shock but now everything makes sense, that is the reason no one could sense her, Di Jun was hiding her. No wonder, Zhong Lin was trying to get her away from the palace as soon as he can but he must have told Xiao Jiu how she got here today

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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