Chapter 10

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It's a few hours late but oh well...


He just did it because I wanted him to, I never said that I need his help, did I? Feng Jiu huffed as she went to her guest chambers, and here I started to think...maybe everyone is right he doesn't feel anything, then why I care so much?

She keeps tossing and turning on the bed unable to sleep.

It was an island, foiling flower were everywhere, soft music and the slight spring breeze. She can't help but dance, her breath stop the moment she saw him in his purple robe and his white hairs wiped in the wind, she beamed at him in delight as he walks towards her with the soft smile and Di Jun stroke his hand on her cheeks. He leans towards her, getting closer....getting close....and their lips were just about to touch...

"Feng Jiu Jie Jie! Feng Jiu Jie Jie wake up! wake up!"

Feng Jiu wakes up startled at Ah Li's voice in the morning, she sat up.

"Why are you yelling? You scared me!" She put her hand on her heart.

"The second uncle has sent a missive, that he is coming to meet you to talk about your marriage proposals,"


Father, she squeezes her eyes grimacing thinking he must come to know about yesterday and now, she going to get beaten bitterly. She shuddered.

"Feng Jiu Jie Jie! You said a bad word," Ah Li said covering his mouth in shock.

"Aiyo! Don't hear it then," She covered his ears with her hand.

"Mother also said that you should plan a way of escape otherwise she is afraid the second uncle will tie you up and married you off,"

Feng Jiu eyes widen at that, what should I do? Her heartbeat anxiously 

She slips off her bed quickly, phasing right and left chewing on her lower lip.

"And you were saying Dong Hua Ge Ge's name in your sleep," 

Feng Jiu blush at that.

"Don't say that again," She said flustrated thinking about what she dream, they were about reality they are nowhere near. It started to feel it doesn't matter, maybe he is really a monk and he truly just helped her. The thought was depressing, maybe if she goes is a mighty god and well....she has to find a way out of her current problem. Maybe she should go to her friend, Xie Guchou the lord of the underworld because if she went to Zhe Yan or the fox den she would be easily found. Maybe imposing on her friend a little bit is the only thing she could do.

"Ah Li, tell your mother I am leaving the Nine Heavens and she does not need to worry," she turns into a fox and merges her nine tails into one making her look like a normal red spiritual fox.

Feng Jiu was jumping roof to roof towards the exit of the Nine Heavens when accidentally, she slipped and lost her balance. She falls on a light blue robe lady without realizing. The lady startled shoved the little red fox on the fall. The little fox let out a little cry as pain shot through her head and she collapses to the ground half unconscious. The bells on fox legs started to ring.

"You little fox!" Zhi Yue, crown prince cousin scoffed and pick the little fox by her neck, shaking her. Feng Jiu was not sure what was happening but she tries to claw her way out because it hurts, the bells become more furious in their ringing as She became more light-headed, it was becoming harder to breathe.

"Do you even know who I am to hurt me like this! Don't worry you will know soon enough,"

"What is this?" Di Jun cold voice rang through the pathway. Zhi Yue just look at Di Jun with little surprise trying not to smile at his sigh she put the fox down and she fell down as Zhi Yue bowed to Di Jun, elegantly.

 "Zhi Yue pays respect to Di Jun,"

"I am looking for my red fox, she is playfully always run away,"

Zhi Yue smile drained from her face as she looks down at the injured fox.

"Your Lordship this fox..." Zhi Yue voice trailed off. Dong Hua look down at Xiao Bai injured fox form and he never felt that tighten in his chest before, the cold fury burn in his eyes. He picked the red fox in his arms gently.

"How did this happen?" He asked, his face turn stony as he crashed Xiao Bai's head in comfort. Feng Jiu felt Dong Hua's arms around enveloped by his sandalwood essence she relaxed and snuggled in his arms further.

"She clawed on me coming out of nowhere, Your Lordship, I just push her away accidentally...."

"Accidently, is it?" His eyes flash and Zhi Yue swallowed in fear and kneel down.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, I can't help but feel threaten," She almost seems like she was about to cry.

"Threaten? she seems more hurt than you,"

Hearing the icy tone of Di Jun, Zhi Yue truly felt the terror rising in her.

"Your Lordship, please be kind and forgive me, if it helps I will penance here kneeling down for two hours,"

"Better," Di Jun passed by her taking the unconscious fox in his arms.


and it's short too, initially, have this fluff idea for this story but I didn't know where the things between them will progress here. So this week I was brainstorming ideas and I finally come up I want to go about this. So from now on,this will get better and longer. And I am so glad you guys are showing so much patience and love with this story, truly I appreciate it. 

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