Chapter 11

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Without further a due, here is the next chapter....thanks for all of your patience and support.


Dong Hua took the little red fox to his bed chambers, her nine tails were back in her original form and she was unconscious.

"Where you were running so fast to? Little Fox" He asked, stroking her head. He laid her down on the bed, materializing a white clean cloth he cleans her on the side and her head after he was done he raises his hand, purple rays come out of it enveloping her and her wounds heal themself. He circulates her breathing and she comes back to her immortal form, she opens her eyes groggily. She blinks seeing the white hair and purple robes of Di I dreaming again? my head hurts.

"Di Jun..."

Dong Hua look down at her and stroke her temples gently.

"Are you awake? Do feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

Feng Jiu frown in the confusion that is this was real or not? His voice was so soft and his touch so gentle. She grabs a strand of his white hair that was close to her, looking at him.

"Xiao Bai, are you still angry at me?" He asked.

Feng Jiu frown deepens not understanding what he was talking about? Why she should be angry?

"What is bothering you so much? The gossip or that I helped get you rid of Chang Yi? Did you really like him that much?" He asked.

Then it comes back Feng Jiu what he was talking about and that she was running away because her father is coming if he heard the rumoured about them, he will beat her to death and Di Jun...he still didn't understand why she is angry now, how can she make him understand something like that? Then he just treats her so well, that she found herself melting. 

"I am not angry for neither of those things...." she pressed her lips and look away.

Dong Hua was still at lost about what went wrong.

" Xiao Bai, Tell me what can I do to make it right?" He asked.

His apologetic voice made her look at him and she sat up carefully realizing that she was healed.

"Did you heal me?" She asked.

Dong Hua nodded.

"Thank you,"

"It's alright, now tell me what had to bother you," He asked leaning closer to her, she went breathless finding his stone black eyes so close to her. Does he really want to make up to me?

"Yes," He answered.

Huh? Did I say that out loud? Aye! She closes her eyes mortified.

"Xiao Bai, won't you tell me?"

"I don't know what to say, why do you want to make up to me so bad?"

"Because you are special, Xiao Bai," Dong Hua rubbed the bridge of her nose softly. The gesture was like snow melting on her anger. Special?

"Am I really special to you?" She asked, trying to hold in her smile.

"Why? do you doubt my words?"

"I don't understand what that means," Feng Jiu look away trying not a sequel at the fact he just calls her special. If she pretended to not to understand then he has to confess.

"Special means special, what other meaning it could hold?" He raised his eyebrow, what she means, Dong Hua started to think her mind works different way perhaps. she was just happy a second ago now she is pouting.

Feng Jiu looks at him baffled.

"You know, how special?" She asked.

How special? That made Dong Hua think, well she is special because nobody had been so different to him and her lively carefree demure is what made her special to him but how special? He never thought about that.

"I never thought about that," He answered straight.

Feng Jiu opens her mouth and then close it, there is something seriously wrong with him?

"So am I forgiven?"

He really wants me to forgive him, in that non-existent expression he manages to look so pitiful.

"You are forgiven," She said with a smile. 

He started to turn and then Feng Jiu saw it happening, not a sarcastic or the half, it was full-blown and soft that warmth bloom in Feng Jiu's heart, his pink soft lips pull itself into a soft simile and as he walks away to close the door behind him.

Did he....did he just smile? She squeals and covering her face, she falls back on the bed. Oh, I like him so much!


This past week had been such a hectic but I have started to find way back here and I know this is short but I will update tomorrow. I hope that it will make up to it.

Tell me this little scene, was it sweet?

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